Posting Batch Timecards
Use the Import Batch Timecards page to post employee batch timecard records.
Menu Path
From the Human Resources menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Payroll menu, select Import Batch Timecards. Search for and select a batch of records, then from the action bar, select Post.
Complete the following steps before running the Post option.
In Pay Run Processing, if the batch timecard records will part of a regular payroll, the Standard Time Load option must be run first.
Click the Edit List item in the Import Batch Timecards page to generate the Batch Timecard Edit report.
Review the Batch Timecard Edit Report and make any necessary corrections. The report lists any errors that occurred. Errors prevent records from posting to the live pay run. However, warnings will allow records to post.
Change Timecards
After you post your batch timecards, you can no longer access them on the Import Batch Timecards page.
To change a posted timecard record:
From the Human Resources menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Payroll menu, select Pay Run Processing. Search for and select the pay run.
Click Edit Employee Time.
Enter your changes.
After the pay run is calculated, timecards cannot be changed. For information, refer to Adding and Changing Timecards.
This function will create a docking arrears payback timecard record if the following criteria is met:
The employee has a record in the batch being printed that matches a job class of an employee's pay rate.
The pay rate has a value in the dock arrears field.
The employee does not have an existing docking arrears payback timecard record in the pay run associated with the batch record's pay run.
Generate the Batch Timecards Edit Report
On the Import Batch Timecards page, in the Search Criteria section, enter selection criteria, and then click Search to list the records.
From the action bar, click Edit List.
In the Print window, enter settings for generating the Batch Timecards Edit Report. The report's default file name is itimecard_e.rpt.
Click OK to begin processing.
Post Batch Timecards to the Live Pay Run
On the Import Batch Timecards page, in the Search Criteria section, enter selection criteria, and then click Search to list the records you want to post.
From the action bar, click Post.
In the Confirmation dialog, click Yes.
In the Print window, enter settings for generating the Batch Timecard Exception Report. The report's default file name is itimecard_p.rpt.
Click OK to begin processing. If no errors occur to prevent the batch timecards from posting, no report is generated.