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Posting Details Page

An applicant can view detailed information about any posting listed on the View Postings menu options by clicking the Posting ID link to display the Posting Details page. This page lists information about the posting, comments the hiring manager or user entered, the job posting, job description, and a preview of the questions that will be asked on the application. Some of the information displayed is based on settings in the Online Presentation & Options page or data entered on the individual job posting.

From the Posting Details page, the applicant can select the Apply for this Position link to start the application for the selected posting. For full procedures an external or internal applicant will follow to apply for a job posting, refer to Applying for a Job Posting (External Applicant) or Applying for a Job Posting (Internal Applicant).

The applicant can use the << Previous Posting and Next Posting >> links at the top of the page to scroll through the Posting Details pages for other job postings. The pages will display in the order on the list page where the Posting Details page was selected.




Posting ID

System-generated number used to identify the job posting throughout Recruitment.


Position assigned to the job class, as defined in the Position Control table. This field only applies if you are using Position Control and the selected job class is under Position Control.


Code identifying the position's location, as defined in Personnel's Locations table.

Salary Range

Pay range for the job posting. This field may not display depending on settings in the Online Presentation & Options page. Also, the field may not have data based on the job posting being viewed.

Position FTE

Full-time equivalency value (full time = 100% = 1.000000) for the position.

Hours Per Day

Number of work hours in a day for the position.

Available Positions

Number of positions on the job posting.


Date the job posting became available for applicants on the Portal.

Open Until

Last day the job posting is available for applicants on the Portal to apply for.

Expected Start

Tentative start date for the position.

Days Per Year

Number of working days in the year for the position.

Posting Comments

Any comments the hiring manager or user requesting the position included to display on the Portal.

Job Description

Description of the job, as entered on the Job Classes table in the Payroll reference tables or on the Position table in Position Control. This could also display a link to a job description document that was uploaded on the job posting.

Apply for this Position

Link to begin the application process for the job posting.

This posting requires one or more of the following

Section listing the core areas and related qualifying certification area(s) which are included on the application. This section will have a listing of the core areas that were added when the job posting was created.

Core Area(s)

Listing of core areas that were added when the job posting was created.

Qualifying Certification Area

Listing of certifications, based on the core areas selected, that are required of applicants to qualify for this position.

The following questions will be asked in the application

Preview of the questions which are included on the application. This section will have a bulleted list of the question titles for the questions on the job posting. The questions that display are based on the settings in the Show Questions field of the Online Presentation & Options page.

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