Posting Overview Page
The purpose of the Posting Overview page is to allow Human Resources staff members to search for specific job postings, and delete or cancel job postings.
In addition, you can display two versions of the Posting Details page:
Click the New button to add a new job posting or the Copy icon to create a posting by copying an existing one. For the procedures, refer to Posting Details Page: New, Copy, and Edit.
Click the Lookup icon for a job posting to view a job posting in the Posting Details (View) page. You can also send edit selected fields and send an email to applicants in this page. For the procedures, refer to Posting Details Page: View Mode.
For customers using Integration, refer to the Job Posting Overview section.
Menu Path
From the Human Resources menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Recruitment menu, select Posting Overview.
Delete or Cancel Job Postings
On the Posting Overview page, in the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the postings you want, and then click Find to list them.
To delete a job posting, click the Delete icon in the posting's Delete/Cancel column. Postings with a status of New, Request, or Rejected can be deleted. Deleting a posting permanently removes it.
To cancel a job posting, click X in the posting's Delete/Cancel column. Postings with a status of Posted can be canceled. A canceled job posting will remain in Recruitment, but no longer can be applied for.In the Confirmation dialog, click Yes.
Send Emails to Applicants
On the Posting Overview page, in the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the postings you want, and then click Find to list them.
Click Email to display the Posting Email List window.
The window displays applicants from the search results, organizing them by status and indicating whether they are internal or external applicants.In the Posting Email List window, select the checkbox next to the each applicant you want to send an email to.
When the window displays, all checkboxes are selected by default.Applicants can be selected or deselected individually.
All applicants can be selected or unselected using the Select/Unselect checkbox at the top.
All applicants in a category can be selected or unselected using the checkbox next to the category's name.
Click Continue.
In the Send Email window, enter email addresses as follows:
The window's From field will default your organization's system-defined default email address, while the To field will default the applicant's email address and cannot be changed.
The From field can be changed if the applicant should reply to a particular staff member in your organization. As an alternative, you can leave the default address as is and enter the reply email address in the body of the email.
The To field includes the email addresses of selected applicants separated by commas. Remove or add addresses as needed.
In the Cc and Bcc fields, enter email addresses as needed.
In the Template field:
Select a template defined in the Email Template Setup page. The template includes a pre-defined Subject and Body.
Leave the field blank, and enter a personalized Subject and Body (untitled).Click Send.
A confirmation dialog displays, showing email addresses for the recipients who will receive the email.Click Continue to send the email.
Fields and Descriptions
Search Criteria Section
You can search for job postings by entering criteria in the following fields and clicking Find. Leave the fields blank to display all job postings.
Field | Description |
Posting ID | System-generated number used to identify the job posting throughout Recruitment. |
Location | Code identifying the position's location, as defined in Personnel's Locations table. |
Fiscal Year | Fiscal year associated with the job posting. This can be either the current or next fiscal year. |
Status | Status of the job posting. A job posting can have a status of New, Request, Posted, Filled, Canceled, or Rejected. |
Position Title | Title of the job posting's position. |
Job Class | Job class assigned to the position, as defined in Payroll's Job Class table. |
Position | Position assigned to the job class, as defined in the Position Control table. This field only applies if you are using Position Control and the selected job class is under Position Control. |
Position Type | Code identifying the position type associated with the job class, as defined in Payroll's Position Types table. |
List Section
This section displays the results of your search. The following fields provide data for each posting listed.
Field | Description |
Posting ID | System-generated number used to identify the job posting throughout Recruitment. |
Status | Status of the job posting. A job posting can have a status of New, Request, Posted, Filled, Canceled, or Rejected. |
Location | Code identifying the position's location, as defined in Personnel's Locations table. |
Position Title | Title of the job posting's position. |
Position Type | Code identifying the position type associated with the job class, as defined in Payroll's Position Types table. |
Job Class | Job class assigned to the position, as defined in Payroll's Job Class table. |
Position | Position assigned to the job class, as defined in the Position Control table. This field only applies if you are using Position Control and the selected job class is under Position Control. |
Fiscal Year | Fiscal year associated with the job posting. This can be either the current or next fiscal year. |
Posting Date | Date that the job opening was posted to the portal. |
Closing Date | Last date that applicants can apply for the position. |
# | This column will display the number of total applicants over the number of qualified applicants, based on certification, if your organization is tracking highly qualified applicants and the Certified Position checkbox in the Position Type table is selected. The last three columns display icons for viewing, copying, and deleting or canceling a job posting. |
View | Click the Search icon in this column to display the Posting Details page to view details of the job posting. |
Copy | Click the Copy icon in this column to display a new Posting Details page, with information from the selected posting defaulted in. For details, refer to the copy procedure in Posting Details Page. |
Delete Or Cancel | For job postings with the status of New, Request, or Rejected, a Delete icon will display for deleting the job posting. For job postings with the status of Posted, an X will display for canceling the job posting. |