Posting Details Page: View Mode
The Posting Details page provides details on a specific job posting. From this page, Human Resources staff members can view details of the job posting and applicants, edit selected fields, email applicants, and upload a job description.
Menu Path: Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Recruitment > Posting Overview > click the Search icon in the View column of a job posting.
In the Applications section of this page, applicants that have applied for the job posting will be listed, organized by application status and whether they are Internal or External applicants. A Human Resources staff member can click an applicant's name link to display the Applicant Details page for the applicant. For more information on using the Applicants Details page, refer to Applicant Detail Page.
For the procedures for adding, copying, and editing job postings, refer to Posting Details Page: New, Copy, and Edit.
For the procedures for adding, copying, and editing job postings, refer to Posting Details Page: New, Copy, and Edit.
Viewing existing job postings
Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Recruitment > Posting Overview to display the Posting Overview page.
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the postings you want, and then click Find to list them.
To view details for a current job posting, click the Search icon in its View column to display the Posting Details Page.
The Posting Details page lists Position Details, Comments, Reasons, Posting Specific Questions, Budget Distribution, History, Approvals, and Applications for the job posting. The page also displays applicants who have applied for the job posting, including their status, application scores, and interview scores.As needed, expand a section of the posting.
When you finish viewing the posting, click Back to return to the Posting Overview page.
Editing selected fields in job postings
Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Recruitment > Posting Overview to display the Posting Overview page.
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the postings you want, and then click Find to list them.
Click the Search icon in the View Column of a job posting.
In the Posting Details page, click Edit to access the fields available for editing.
If the status is New, the Human Resources staff member can access all fields on the job posting.
If the job posting status is Request or Posted, some fields will not be accessible. The Human Resources staff member can edit the available fields.
When comments are entered for a job posting, a record will be added to the History section.
Click Save to save changes.
If the status is New, click Submit to submit the job posting for approval.
Sending emails to applicants
Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Recruitment > Posting Overview to display the Posting Overview page.
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the postings you want, and then click Find to list them.
Click the Search icon in the View Column of a job posting.
In the Posting Details page, click Email to display the Posting Email List window.
When the window displays, all checkboxes are selected by default.Applicants can be selected or deselected individually.
All applicants can be selected or deselected using the Select/Unselect checkbox at the top.
All applicants in a category can be selected or deselected using the checkbox next to the category's name.
Click Continue.
In the Send Email window, enter email addresses as follows:
The window's From field will default your organization's system-defined default email address, while the To field will default the applicant's email address and cannot be changed.
The From field can be changed if the applicant should reply to a particular staff member in your organization. As an alternative, you can leave the default address as is and enter the reply email address in the body of the email.
The To field includes the email addresses of selected applicants separated by commas. Remove or add addresses as needed.
In the Cc and Bcc fields, enter email addresses as needed.
In the Template field:
Select a template defined in the Email Template Setup page. The template includes a pre-defined Subject and Body.
Leave the field blank, and enter a personalized Subject and Body (untitled).Click Send.
A confirmation dialog displays, showing email addresses for the recipients who will receive the email.Click Continue to send the email.
Header Section
This section includes the following fields on the job posting:
Field | Description |
Tentative Start | Estimated start date for the position. |
Requester | User who created the job posting. Display-only. |
Hiring Manager | Hiring manager assigned to the job posting. |
Position Type | Code identifying the position type associated with the job class, as defined in Payroll's Position Types table. |
Positions | The number of positions for the job posting. |
TE Filled | The amount of full-time equivalency (FTE) units currently filled in the position. Display-only. |
Location | Code identifying the position's location, as defined in Personnel's Locations table. |
Publish Type | Type of applicants who can view the job posting: Internal/External, Internal, or External. |
Base Location | Code identifying the primary work location associated with position, as defined in Security's Location Codes table. |
Department | Code identifying the department associated with the position, as defined in Payroll's Departments table. |
Status | Status of the job posting. A job posting can have a status of New, Request, Posted, Filled, Canceled, or Rejected. |
Posting Date | Date that the job opening was posted to the portal. |
losing Date | Last date that applicants can apply for the position. |
Position Details Section
This section lists job class and position information for the job posting, including salary data.
Field | Description |
Job Posting For | Indicates whether the job posting was created for a New Position, Pooled Position, or an Existing Position. |
Job Class | Job class assigned to the position, as defined in Payroll's Job Class table. |
Position | Position assigned to the job class, as defined in the Position Control table. This field only applies if you are using Position Control and the selected job class is under Position Control. |
Position Title | Title of the job posting's position. |
Employee FTE | Full-time equivalency value (full time = 100% = 1.000000) for the position. |
Days Per Year | Number of work days in a year for the position. |
Hours Per Day | Number of work hours in a day for the position. |
Pays Per Year | Amount of pays in the year for the position. |
Salary Range | Pay range for the position. |
Fiscal Year | Fiscal year associated with the job posting. This can be either the current or next fiscal year. |
Comments Section
This section lists comments entered for the job posting.
Field | Description |
Portal Comment | Comment on the job posting to be viewed by the applicants on the Recruitment Portal. |
Internal Comment | Any comment on the job posting, to be viewed by the hiring manager on the Posting Requisition Overview page or by Human Resources on the Posting Overview page. |
Reason Section
This section lists reasons for postings for existing positions.
Field | Description |
Reason | Lists the reason for the posting: Replacement, New, or Transfer. Displays only for a job posting created for an existing position. |
Replacing | Lists the employee identification number for the employee being replaced. Displays only for a job posting created for an existing position. |
Reason Comment | Any additional comment entered for the replacement. |
Posting Specific Questions Section
This section lists questions set up for the job posting.
Field | Description |
Core Areas | The core areas are used to determine if an applicant has the required certificates to be considered a qualified applicant for the position. These options are populated from the Certification Areas Table in Personnel reference tables. This section displays if the Show Core Area Selected for Certified Position Types checkbox is selected in the Posting Requisition Setup page, and the position type is flagged as a certified position. |
Certificates | Available once a core area has been selected, this button will display a Certificate Area(s) page which displays information regarding the certificate area required for the core area. |
Available Questions | The questions in this section are Question Bank questions that have been associated with the position type selected in the Position Type field. You can include the questions on the application by selecting the checkbox next to the question name. This section will display if the Show Question Bank Questions checkbox is selected on the Posting Requisition Setup page, and question bank questions have been associated with the position on the Standard Application Questions Setup page. |
Budget Distribution Section
This section lists the posting's budget distributions in Fund Accounting. If your Fund Accounting Profile is set up for Full Account View, you can display regular budget unit-account distributions by clicking Disable Full Account View.
Field | Description |
Use default position funding | Radio button selected when the job class chosen is operating under Position Control. Display only. |
Enter alternate funding request | Radio button selected when the job class chosen is not operating under Position Control. Display only. |
# | System-assigned sequential number for the distribution. |
*Budget Unit* | Low organization used for distributing the gross salaries paid under this job posting, as define in Fund Accounting's Organization Chart. As indicated by the asterisks, the title of the *Budget Unit* field is defined in the Human Resources profile. If your Fund Accounting Profile allows translating the full expenditure account number into budget unit and account codes, the Full Account field displays in place of the *Budget Unit* and Account fields. Use the Disable Full Account View button to see the separate *Budget Unit* and Account. |
Account | Number identifying the account that should be used to distribute salary costs for this job posting. Accounts are defined in Fund Accounting's Account List. The combination of the entries in the Budget Unit and Account fields must exist in Fund Accounting's Expenditure Ledger. |
Percent | Percentage of the job posting's gross wages to be distributed to the *Budget Unit*/Account. Enter the percentage as a decimal. The entries in this column must equal 100 percent. |
# | System-assigned sequential number for the distribution. |
*Project* | Code identifying the low project organization to use for distributing the job posting's gross salary in Fund Accounting. If you do not use project accounting, leave the fields in this section blank. As indicated by the asterisks, the title of the *Project* is defined by the Human Resources profile. |
Account | Number identifying the account associated with the project, as define in Fund Accounting's Account List. The combination of the entries in the *Project* and Account fields must exist in Fund Accounting's Project Ledger. |
Percent | Percentage of the job posting's gross wages to be distributed to the *Project*/Account. Enter the percentage as a decimal. The entries in this column cannot exceed 100 percent. |
History Section
This section tracks changes to the job posting.
Field | Description |
Date | The date a change was made to the job posting. |
Activity | The type of change made to the job posting. If the posting was submitted or approved, the activity will be Request. If a change was made to the Internal Comment field on the job posting, the activity will be Posted. |
User | User who submitted the posting or made a change to the Internal Comment field. |
Description Or Comments | Additional information regarding the change to the job posting. If the change was made to the Internal Comment field, the text in the field will be listed here. |
Approvals Section
This section lists any approval actions entered for the posting.
Field | Description |
Approval Group | Name of the approval group that performed the approval action. |
Level | Level of the approval. Level 1 is the highest level of approval. When a workflow is initiated, the notification will be sent to the lowest level of approval first. |
Approver | Name of the user who is assigned to the approval level on the approval group. |
Approved By | Indicates if the level was approved by the Approver or their Delegate. |
Delegate | Name of the delegate who approved the posting level. If the approval was not made by the delegate, this field will be blank. |
Date | Date and time of the approval. |
Action | The approval action performed. |
Comment | Any comments associated with the level of approval. |
Applications Section
This section separates applicants into categories based on application status. The possible statuses are Hired, Approved, Rejected, Recommended, Interview, Verified, Submitted, Unqualified, Pending, and Not Selected. Within each category, applicants are sorted based on whether they are internal or external applicants.
Field | Description |
Applicant | Name of the applicant who applied for the position. This field is a link which will access the Applicant Details page for the selected applicant. |
Status | Status of the applicant. |
Score | Score the applicant received for the responses on the application. |
Average Interview Score | Average score of the applicant's interviews as entered in the Interview section of the Applicant Review page or on the Applicant Selection page. |