Print Individual W2
Use this option to print individual W2 forms for an employee, employer, or both. In addition, you can print forms for multiple employees using their ID or Social Security numbers.
Menu Path
From the Human Resources menu, select Periodic Routines. From the Year End menu, select W2 Processing. Click Print W2 Forms, then Print an Individual W2.
Print W2 for Selected Employees
For information on the fields, refer to Print All W2 Forms.
Open the Print an Individual W2 page.
Load W2 forms into the printer and verify that they are aligned and printing is set to six characters per inch.
In the Print Criteria section, enter the Tax Year and Employer Control Number for the workfile containing the W2s and enter other criteria as needed. If you don’t know the specific Employer Control Number, select All.
Click Accept.
In the Individual Print Criteria section, complete one of the following fields:
Employee Social Security Number: For an individual employee, enter the employee Social Security Number as it appears on the W2 record. To print W2s for multiple employees, use the pipe symbol to separate their Social Security numbers, for example, 123-45-6789|32-109-8765|234-56-7890. Leave the field blank if you use Employee ID numbers.
Employee Number: Enter the ID number of the employee whose W2 form you want to print. To print forms for multiple employees, use the pipe symbol to separate their IDs. For example, 12345|32109|23456. Leave the field blank if you use Social Security Numbers.
Click Accept.
In the Laser Forms Criteria section, identify the forms you use, and then click Accept.
On the Print page:
Select a destination for the log file, and then click OK. The default file name is w2frm_neg.log.
To send W2 data to the printer, leave the default destination on Printer, and then click OK. When Printer is selected, you cannot edit the file name.
To store W2 data to print later, select File, edit the file name to replace the default (w2forms.rpt), and then click OK. You must enter a unique file name to avoid overwriting any files.