Race/Ethnicity Page
Use this page to enter the applicant's racial and ethnic background. In addition, enter the race code that should be reported for the applicant on the EEO Data report if the applicant is hired as an employee.
As of 2014, the EEO Race Code field will only be used on the EEO-4 report and possibly some state regulatory reports. The EEO-5 Data report uses the Ethnicity and Race fields.
After you complete the page, click Next to display the Qualifications page. You can also click Finish if you want to save the record at this point and exit the wizard.
Field | Description |
Ethnicity | System-defined code referencing the applicant's ethnic background. Select: H - Hispanic or Latino |
Race | Code identifying the applicant's race, as defined in the Race Code Table. You can select more than one code if an applicant is identified as having two or more races. The selection in this field is used on the EEO-5 Data report. This field is populated from the Race Code Table in Personnel Tables. |