Salary Negotiations Menu
The Salary Negotiations menu is part of the main menu for the Human Resources System. It provides four options for entering and applying pay increases for the new year and up to nine future years.
Menu Path: Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Salary Negotiations > select an option
Menu Options
Following are descriptions of the options on the Salary Negotiations menu. The options are listed alphabetically, not in the order in which they are used.
AutoStep Employees | Advances selected employees to the next steps on their salary schedules. Auto-stepping also updates employees' Pay Rate records with new schedules and calendars that you have assigned to their job classes. For details, refer to Auto-Step Employees. |
Maintain Schedules | Applies to employees whose pay rates are defined by salary schedules. Using this option, you can add, change, delete, list, and print negotiation schedules. These schedules contain the increases and decreases to be added to the hourly rates and annual salaries stored in employees' salary schedules. The increases can be entered as dollar amounts, percentages, or a combination of the two. Two pages are used to create new schedules. The Maintain Schedules page defines a schedule's parameters, while the Step/Range Schedule page enables you to enter increases for each step/range combination in a schedule. A Mass Update option is provided for entering uniform increases in an entire schedule or sections of a schedule. |
NonScheduled Salaries | Allows you to increase or decrease pay amounts for job classes that use Pay Rate records instead of salary schedules to determine employee rates. As with salary schedule increases, you can define non-scheduled increases as either flat amounts, percentages, or a combination of the two. The Non-Scheduled Increases page also provides two options: one for simulating the projected increases and another for applying the increases to employees's pay rates. For details, refer to Non-Scheduled Salaries. |
Scheduled Projections | Enables you to create new salary schedules by applying the increases from negotiation schedules to existing salary schedules. You can create schedules for next year and up to nine future years. The option also produces a report showing current and future schedules, as well as employee data and cost projections. For details, refer to Scheduled Projections. |
Salary Negotiations is intended for fiscal yearend processing. Increases should not be applied until after you have processed the last payroll of your current fiscal year.