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Scheduled Salary Projections Page

The Scheduled Projections option creates new salary schedules in the Human Resources System by applying increases from negotiation schedules to existing salary schedules.

  • Projections can be calculated for up to 10 future years, including the new year and nine additional years.

  • A simulation can be run to test the effects of auto-stepping employees to their next salary schedule steps.

  • A report is generated automatically, providing detailed information on the projections. This includes the negotiation and salary schedules used and the salary schedules created, as well as related cost forecasts and employee data.

  • After reviewing the new salary schedules, you must assign them to employees' job classes in Human Resources, and then run the Update New Year Rates option to apply the increased rates to employees' Pay Rate records.

Use this page to generate new salary schedules by combining the following records:

  • Negotiation Schedules that were created with the Salary Negotiation System's Maintain Schedules option.

  • Salary Schedules that are currently stored in the Human Resources System to determine pay rates for hourly and salaried employees.

You can apply increases from a negotiation schedule to an existing salary schedule to create salary schedules for the new year and up to nine future years. In addition, you can simulate the effects of running the Auto-Step Employees option, if desired. The results of the projection and simulation appear in the Scheduled Salary Projection report.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Salary Negotiations > Scheduled Projections


Before running the Scheduled Projections option:

  • Use the Maintain Schedules option to set up negotiation schedules. If you are projecting salaries beyond the new year and the increases are the same for all employees (by percentage or amount), you can use the same negotiation schedule for each projected year. Otherwise, you must have a separate negotiation schedule for each year where the increases differ.

  • Confirm that your negotiation schedules match the salary schedules you want to use in terms of their number of ranges and steps, as well as their hourly or salaried designation. To check these settings, compare the settings from the negotiation schedules against the salary schedules by running the Negotiation Schedule report in Salary Negotiations and the Salary Schedule table report in Human Resources. For the procedures for generating these reports, refer to Maintain Schedules.

Usually, you can use the projected salary schedule created for one year as the base schedule for the next year.

Future Projections

The Future Projections section in the Scheduled Salary Projections page enables you to create salary schedules in Human Resources that include projections for up to 10 years using increases entered in negotiation schedules in Salary Negotiations. The section includes 10 rows, the first for next year and the others for the future years.

Following are the basic steps for using this section. For the full procedure, refer to Procedure section.

  1. Complete the Salary Projections section.

  2. In the Base field for Year 1, select a Base schedule. Usually, this is the schedule selected in the Salary Projection's section's Current Schedule field. For subsequent years, use the previous year's New Base schedule.

  3. In the Negotiation field, select the negotiation schedule that includes the increases for next year.

  4. In the New Base field, assign a three-character code to identify the next year's salary schedule.

  5. Repeat Steps 2-4 for each subsequent year.
    The New Base field creates a new salary schedule that can usually be used as the Base schedule for the following year. Also, if the increases for a subsequent year are going to be the same as the schedule in the previous year, you can use the same negotiation schedule for the subsequent year.

 Following is an example of projections created for Years 1-5, where the increases in Years 4-5 differ from those in Years 1-3. Note that the Base schedule for Year 1 is the schedule selected in the Salary Projections section's Current Schedule field.




New Base


S18 - Schedule 2018

N19 - Increase 19 3%



S19 - Schedule 2018

N19 - Increase 19 3%



S20 - Schedule 2018

N19 - Increase 19 3%



S21 - Schedule 2018

N22 - Increase 22 3.5%



S22 - Schedule 2018

N22 - Increase 22 3.5%


  • The same negotiation schedule is used for Years 1-3 since the increases are the same for each year (3%). Similarly, another schedule is used for Years 4-5 since their increases are same (3.5%).

  • The new salary schedules use the description from the schedule selected in the Current Schedule field. These descriptions should be changed in the Salary Schedule table to better identify the schedules.

Creating new salary schedules

  1. Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Salary Negotiations > Scheduled Projections to display the Scheduled Salary Projections page.

  2. Complete the fields in the Salary Projections section. For details, refer to the Fields section below.

  3. In the Future Projections section, enter schedules for next year and up to nine future years.

    • In Year 1, use the Current Schedule as the Base, assign the appropriate negotiation schedule, and define a code to identify the New Base (Current Schedule updated with increases from the negotiation schedule).

    • Use the New Base from Year 1 as the Base for Year 2, and repeat this approach in defining each additional year's schedule.

  4. Click OK when you finish your future year entries.

  5. In the Confirmation dialog, click Yes.

  6. In the Print page, enter settings for generating the Salary Projections report. The report's default file name is salnego.rpt. For additional information on this report, refer to the next section, Salary Projections Report.

  7. Click OK to create the salary schedules and generate the report.

  8. Before running a payroll in the new year:

    • Use the Salary Schedule table option in Human Resources to change the descriptions of the new salary schedules.

    • Replace the current salary schedule in the applicable Job Class table record with the New Base schedule for Year 1.

    • Run the Update New Year Rates option to apply the new schedule's rates to employees' pay rates.

    The salary schedules for Years 2-9 can be used in future years. Until then, the system stores them in the Salary Schedule table for information purposes only.


Salary Projections Section



Current Schedule

Code identifying the salary schedule assigned to employees whose rates are being increased.

Auto Step

Checkbox indicating whether the effects of the AutoStep Employees option should be simulated. Select the box to simulate auto-stepping.

Autostepping moves employees to the next step on their salary schedules. The resulting report shows the projected costs along with employee data. However, the simulation has no other effect.

Round Amounts By

Selection indicating how projections should be rounded.


C - Cents
D - Dollars
N - No rounding

Include Terminated Rates

Checkbox indicating whether employee pay rates that have their Status fields set to T - Terminated should be included. Select the box to include pay rates that have been terminated.

This field and the next allow you to increase salaries for unoccupied positions that are expected to be filled.

Include Inactive Rates

Checkbox indicating whether employee pay rates that have their Status fields set to I - Inactive should be included. Select the box to include inactive rates.

Future Projections Section



Year (1-10)

Identifies the projection year, with 1 representing the new year and 2-10 representing future years. You only need to complete the number of years you wish to project.


Select the salary schedule from Human Resources that includes the base salaries to which the increases are being applied.

  • For Year 1, use the employees' current salary schedule. This should be the schedule selected in the Salary Projections section's Current Schedule field.

  • For subsequent years, you can use the New Base schedule from the previous projection year as the Base schedule for the projection year being created.


Select the negotiation schedule that contains the increases, as created in the Maintain Schedules option.

  • If the increases for one or more years are the same, you can use the same negotiation schedule for each of the years.

  • If the increases vary from year to year, you must use a different schedule for each year.

New Base

Code identifying the salary schedule that will be created for the year being projected. These codes will identify the schedules in the Salary Schedule table in Human Resources when processing is complete. Character/3

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