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Set Up Roles

The Type column within Employee Add Setup Screen categorizes pages by the types of personnel using them. These personnel types and page types are referred to as roles.

  • The system provides two standard roles: Payroll and Personnel. Additional roles can be set up in the Role Setup table in Human Resources. This section covers the procedure for adding, changing, deleting, and printing Role records.

  • Roles are assigned to pages in the Employee Add Setup Screen page's Type column and to users in System Administration's User Setup table. Refer to Assign User Roles for information on how to set up and maintain this table.

Menu Path

From the System Administration menu, select Administration. From the Add Employee Process menu, select Role Setup.

Employee Add Setup Fields and Descriptions

The Employee Add Setup Screen page includes the following tabs:



Identifies the role. The system assigns the next available sequential number as the Role ID. The Group Header checkbox determines whether the role will have its grouping in the Pending Employee Center. The display-only SPI Defined checkbox only applies to the default Payroll and Personnel roles.

This tab has the following fields:

  • Role ID: Display-only field that contains an integer identifying the role. When you save a role, the system assigns a sequential number as the role ID number. You cannot edit this field for either a new role or an existing role.
  • Description: Enter the description or title of the role. If the Group Header checkbox is selected, this text is used as the title for the role's section in the Pending Employee Center. The limit is 25 characters.
  • Group Header: Checkbox indicating whether the pages under this role should have their own section in the Pending Employee Center. Select the checkbox to group the role's pages in the Pending Employee Center.
  • SPI Defined: Display-only checkbox, selected by default for the Payroll and Personnel roles to indicate the roles were defined before installation. You cannot modify or delete these roles.
  • The Pending Employee Center allows the two default sections, Payroll and Personnel, and only one additional grouping section. As a result, if you add more than two roles, the pages assigned to these roles will be grouped together in the same section. However, users will only be able to access buttons for the pages associated with their user roles.
  • When you leave the Role tab, the role itself is saved, but you still need to save the data in the Screens and Users tabs.


Lists the pages assigned to a role in the Employee Add Setup Screen page. The Order column shows the order in which the pages are displayed.

This tab has the following fields:

  • Screen: Display only. Numbers and titles identifying windows in the add employee process. Each field lists a page assigned to this role. To add pages, select the Edit Add Screens item, which displays the Employee Add Setup Option. To add a page, click Edit Add Screens to view the Employee Add Setup page.
  • Order: Display only. Each field indicates the order in which the corresponding page will appear during the add process and display in the Pending Employee Center. You can define the order using the Edit Add Screens option. The number from the Employee Add Setup Screen page's Add Order column, which indicates the order in which pages appear in the add employee process. These numbers also determine the order in which page buttons display in the Pending Employee Center.


Assigns users to the current role. The Primary checkbox determines if the pages under this role display first for the user in the Pending Employee Center.

This tab has the following fields:

  • User ID: Assign the current role to a user by entering the user's ID. Use Lookup to display the Add Employee User Setup page to select a user.
  • Username: Display only. Displays the name of the user identified in the User ID field.
  • Primary: Select the checkbox if this is the user's primary role. If the Primary and the Group Header checkboxes are selected, the pages associated with this role display first in the Pending Employee Center.

Set Up Roles

The two standard roles in the Employee Add Setup option, Payroll and Personnel, are sufficient for situations where you have only one or two types of users who add employees. However, additional roles are needed if you have three or more types of users or pages.

Example: If you have a department responsible for adding deductions and benefits but no other records, you could create a role entitled Benefits and assign this role to both the Deductions page and the department's users. With this setup, Benefits users could add records for deductions and benefits through the add process or within the Pending Employee Center.

How Roles Affect the Pending Employee Center

Roles determine how pages are listed in the Pending Employee Center:

  • When a role is assigned to a group of pages, and the role's Group Header checkbox is selected, these pages are grouped in their section.
  • When a user's Primary checkbox is selected under a particular role, the section for the role's group of pages appears first in the center.
  • When a role is not assigned to a user, the buttons for the role's pages are inactive. Also, the user cannot access these pages during the add process.

If a user only has one role, for example, Qualifications, the buttons for the Payroll and Personnel roles would be greyed out, in which case, the user cannot access them. The Qualifications section displays first for this user because the user's Primary checkbox for this role is selected. All buttons in the Qualifications section, except Base Employee Information, are active because they correspond with the user's role.

The buttons in the Payroll and Personnel sections are inactive because the user does not have these roles assigned. However, the user can see the status of the employee's required pages, as indicated by the checkboxes next to the buttons. This helps the user determine which pages must be completed to remove the employee's pending status.

Add a Role

  1. From Role Setup page, click Add new.
  2. Complete the following tabs:

    • Role

    • Screens
    • User
  3. Click OK to save.
  4. If the pages selected for this role require security resources not assigned to a user, a message asks if the Role should override the user's current Security Settings.
    • Select Yes to override current security settings and allow the user access to the pages associated with this role. This also saves the user's data.
    • Select No to prevent the user from accessing these pages. In this case, the system does not save the user information.
We recommend using System Administration's Security options to set up security resources for users before assigning roles.

Change a Role

  1. From Role Setup page, click Add new.
  2. In the List section, select a role, and click OK.
  3. Edit the fields in the following tabs:
    • Role
    • Screens
    • Users
  4. Click OK.

Delete a Role

  1. From Role Setup page, click Add new.
  2. In the List section, select a role, and click Delete.
  3. Click Yes to confirm.

User Lookup Page

The User Lookup page lets you search for and select an employee while completing the Add Employee Role Center's Users tab. The page's sections include:

  • Search Criteria: This enables you to enter selection criteria to identify an individual or group of employees. You can use query symbols in your entries. For example, C* in the Plus User ID field matches all ID's that begin with this character. Note that some fields may contain lowercase letters, so enter your criteria in the proper case.
  • List: Displays the employees found in a search, and enables you to select an employee to add to the Users tab.

Following are descriptions of the fields in these sections:


Windows Domain Login

User's login ID for accessing Windows. This is the login ID users must enter to access their computer network.

Windows Domain

The network of servers your users accesses when they log on to their desktop computers.

Plus User ID

Login ID that users must enter to access the PowerSchool ERP system. In the List section, this field is entitled User ID.

First Name

User's first name.

Last Name

User's last name.

List Employees

  1. Navigate to Add Employee Role Center.
  2. Click the lookup button in the User ID field within Users.
  3. Enter selection criteria to identify one or more employees.
  4. Click OK.
  5. In the List section, select an employee, and then click OK to return to the Users tab.

The login ID and full name of the employee selected will appear in the User ID and User Name fields.

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