Summer Time Load
Use this option to issue multiple pays on the same check to employees who receive summer pay. This option usually applies only to teachers, for example, in school districts where faculty members receive additional pays at the end of June, along with their regular pay.
Following are some of the requirements for issuing summer pay:
Two or more cycles must be created in the Pay Run Setup - Additional Cycles page. The first cycle usually applies to employees' regular pay.
For employees to be selected, they must be in one of the pay groups in the Pay Run Setup - Step 2 page and their pay rate's pay hours must be the same as the Setup page's default hours.
The Summer Pay checkboxes in employees' pay rates must be selected.
The Summer Time Load option loads both regular and summer pays. If you use this option, you do not need to use the Standard Time Load option for the current pay run.
Issuing Summer Pays
The Summer Time Load option allows you to issue multiple pays to employees on one check. The system can then calculate taxes and deductions as though each pay had been run individually.
The Summer Pay page's Report Only radio button lets you audit rate calculations prior to loading employees' timecards. You can run the report multiple times. This allows you to identify and correct timecards and records for any errors found. Generating the report does not affect payroll processing or employees' permanent records.
The system calculates the total pay by multiplying the employee's regular pay times the number of pays issued. For example, if the employee's biweekly gross is $2,000 and you enter 5 in the Number of Summer Pays field, the system calculates a total of $10,000 (2000 x 5). This includes four summer pays plus the regular pay. The system then calculates taxes and other deductions for a single period and takes these amounts from each pay.
For an employee with a contracted rate, the system issues pay within the contract limit. For example, if an employee's biweekly gross is $2,000, the contract limit is $50,000, the pay to date is $42,000, and five pay periods remain, the total amount calculated would be $8,000. In this case, no pay would be issued for the fifth pay period.
In addition, if the contract end date is less than or equal to the pay period end date, the Summer Time Load option issues pay for the balance of the contract, the same as the Standard Time Load. For example, if the contract end date is 08/25/2017 and the pay period end date is 8/29/2017, the employee's pay will equal the full contract balance, which would include the regular pay amount, plus any balance remaining after the current pay run.
The Summer Load function will create dock arrears payback time card records per the number of Summer Load cycles processed if an employee's pay rate being loaded has a value greater than 0 in the dock arrears field. This will make the process of collecting dock arrears money less error prone and time consuming. A docking arrears payback time card record will be created for each cycle until the entire docking arrears amount is paid if the all of the following criteria are met:
These time card records are created for multiple pay cycles.
The employee summer checkbox on the employee's record is selected.
The number of docking arrears payments on the employee's pay rate is greater than one.
Records for any pay rate marked as Summer Pay that has a Dock Pay Cycle value greater than the number of Summer Pay Cycles selected by the user will not be processed.
To run the Summer Pay report by itself, use the following procedure, selecting the Report Only radio button in Step 6. You can repeat the procedure to check for errors as many times as needed without affecting your pay run.
To load timecards and generate the report, select the Generate Employee Time radio button in Step 6, but only if you are sure the time load will be error free.
Loading employee timecards for summer pay
Click Load Employee Time in the Pay Run Processing page to display the Load Employee Time page.
If you are using the Payroll wizard, the Load Employee Time page displays when you complete the Clear/Update Balances process.Review the fields in the Pay Run Setup Information section. If any values are incorrect, use the following page to change them: Pay Run Setup - Step 2.
From the Time Loading Options drop-down list, select the Summer Time option.
Click Load.
In the Summer Pay Criteria section's Number of Summer Pays field, select the number of pay periods to include (2-9).
The number you select must be less than or equal to the number of pay cycles specified in the Pay Run Setup - Step 4 page. Be sure to include the regular pay cycle. For example, select 4 to include one regular pay period and three summer pay periods.In the Additional Criteria section, select one of the following radio buttons:
Report Only - to run the Summer Pay report of employees qualifying for summer pay. This allows you to review employees before loading timecards. The default file name is sumpay2.rpt.
Generate Employee Time - to load regular and summer pay timecards. It also generates the Summer Pay report. The report's default file name is sumpay1.rpt.Click OK.
In the Print window, enter settings for generating the Load Timecards - Error Log. The log's default file name is load.log.
If you intend to run other Time Loading options, enter a different file name for each error log.Click OK to load the timecards.
When the load is complete, a message displays indicating how many timecards loaded.
If errors prevent some timecards from loading, a warning message displays. Click OK.
If errors are detected, review the Load Timecards - Error Log, which lists the employees affected. To pay these employees, you need to correct the errors indicated.
After making the necessary corrections, run the Summer Time Load option again. Be sure to reload the timecards for the same employees.Select another option in the Time Loading Options field, or click Next to display the Edit Employee Time page.