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Add New Request Page

Through the Update Request page, you can add records for stock item requests submitted by employees. A request record is composed of a header, which defines the record, and line items, which specify the stock items requested.

Header Data

Request Number

Date Required

Requested By

Request Year

Warehouse Location


Date Requested

Shipping Location

Line Item Data

Item Number

Unit Price

Date Received

Stock Item


Back Order Quantity


Accounting Data

Menu Path:  Warehouse Inventory > Entry & Processing > Warehouse Inventory > Warehouse Administration > click Requests > click Add New

Checking Budget Balances

When you enter a quantity that can be filled, the system verifies whether sufficient funds are budgeted to cover the cost. The Expenditure Ledger account checked is identified by the line item's *Budget Unit* and Account fields.

If the cost exceeds the budget balance, the system's response depends on the Check Budget Balance field in the corresponding Organization Chart record. The codes entered here trigger error messages to alert you to the account's low balance and control whether the quantity can be accepted.


Control Type

Line Item Quantity






Not allowed

The code N - No Checking is also accepted in the Check Budget Balance field, but generally this setting is not recommended.

If the expenditure is allowed, the number of units that can be filled displays in the Quantity field. Any quantity greater than this displays in the Back Order field, depending on the conditions explained in the next section, Creating Back Orders. The cost of back ordered units is not included in the Total Amount field and therefore has no effect on budget checking.

If the expenditure is not allowed, you cannot enter the quantity requested. At this point, you have two alternatives:

  • Enter a lesser quantity. If no amount is accepted, you cannot place an order for this stock item under the current organization/account combination.
  • Enter 0.00 in the Quantity field to return to the Stock Number field, then enter a comparable stock item with a different expenditure account, one whose unit cost does not cause the balance to be exceeded. Of course, this only works if such a stock item is set up in the Inventory Catalog.

Be sure to report the balance condition to the appropriate party, especially if it prevents an order from being filled. Unless funds are transferred or another expenditure account is assigned to the catalog record, issuing subsequent requests for the item will produce the same results.

Creating Back Orders

The ability to create back orders depends on the Permit Back Orders field in the catalog item's Stock Number record. Selecting this field allows the system to create back orders for line items when sufficient stock is not available.

When you enter an amount in the Add New Request page's Quantity field, the system checks the following fields in the Inventory Catalog record:


Tracks an item's available inventory. This does not include reserved quantities. The reserved quantity is the amount that has already been requested.

Safety Point

Tracks the lowest level an item's available inventory may fall to. The system refers to this field to determine when back orders should be created.

If a requested quantity causes the inventory level to drop below the safety point, the Quantity field displays the difference between the safety point and available stock. The system response depends on the following:

  • If back orders are allowed, the remaining quantity defaults to the Back Order field.
  • If back orders are not allowed, the remainder is dropped, and a warning displays.

The following example illustrates how the values in the different table records and fields work together to create a back order.

Table Record


Field Values

Inventory Catalog

Safety Point



Stock Number

Permit Back Orders



Request Line Item

Quantity entered
Quantity displayed
Back Order



The following sections provide additional information on back orders:

Adding request records

  1. Select Warehouse Inventory > Entry & Processing > Warehouse Inventory > Warehouse Administration to display the Warehouse Administration page.
  2. Click Requests to display the Update Request page.
  3. Click Add New to display the Add New Request page.
  4. In the Header section, complete the fields, and then click OK.
  5. In the Line Item section, complete the fields on a blank row to identify the stock item being requested. For details, refer below to the Fields section.
  6. Repeat Step 4 for each additional request item.
  7. Click OK to save the record.
    Depending on the Continuous checkbox in the Header section:
    • If the checkbox is selected, you return to the Header section. Repeat Steps 3-6 to add another request, or click Back to return to the Update Request page.
    • If the checkbox is not selected, you return to the Update Request page.


The Add New Request page has two sections, the header section and the line item section. Following are descriptions for each section's fields.

Header Section

The header section lets you identify the request record and enter general information describing the request, such as the shipping location, warehouse, and requester.



Request Number

Number identifying a request.

  • If the Auto Number Requests field in your Warehouse Inventory Profile is selected, the next sequential number available defaults to the Request Number field when you are adding requests.
  • If auto‑numbering is not used, you must assign a unique number. Character/8

Request Year

Current fiscal year, as defined in the Fund Accounting Profile. The year is used to verify the request line items’ Expenditure Ledger accounts in the Fund Accounting System. Display only.


Code identifying the location where the requested stock items are stored. This field is verified against Warehouse Inventory’s Warehouse Code table.

Date Requested

Date when the request was submitted. The default is based on the Transaction Date in the Fund Accounting Profile. You may change the displayed date if needed.

Requested By

Person who submitted the request. Character/35

Date Required

Required delivery date for the requested items.

Ship Code

Code identifying the location where the items are to be delivered. This field is verified against Warehouse Inventory’s Shipping Code table.


Additional information regarding the request. Character/50

Line Item Section

Each line in this section identifies a stock item and stores its quantity requested, total cost, and distribution of the expenses in Fund Accounting. You may include requests for up to 99 items.




System-generated number identifying the line item. Display only.

Stock Number

Stock number for the requested item. This number, which is verified against the Stock Number table, combines with the warehouse code to identify a stock item in your Inventory Catalog.

Low-level Organization Chart code for the Expenditure Ledger account to charge for the current line item. Your entry becomes the default for the next line item.

This field is verified against Fund Accounting’s Organization Chart. The field name is defined in the Fund Accounting Profile.


Expenditure account code for the ledger account where the line item’s cost is charged. The default is the expense account from the item’s Inventory Catalog record. The organization/account combination entered must exist in Fund Accounting’s Expenditure Ledger.

Low-level project code for the Project Ledger account where the line item’s cost is charged. This field only applies if you use project accounting.


Expenditure account code for the Project Ledger account where the line item’s cost is charged. This field only applies if you use project accounting.


Number of units requested. Decimal/12,4

The following settings affect how the system responds to your entry:

  • Available and Safety Point fields in the Inventory Catalog.
  • Permit Back Orders field in the item's Stock Number record.
  • Check Budget Balance field in Fund Accounting's Organization Chart.
  • Budget balance in Fund Accounting's Expenditure Ledger.

For additional details on how these controls affect your entries, refer to the Checking Budget Balances and Creating Back Orders sections above.


Unit price for the requested stock item, based on the Price field in the Inventory Catalog. This is either the average cost of the items in stock, last price charged on a purchase order, or a set price entered in the catalog.

Depending on the Stock Number's Auto Recalc Price checkbox:

  • If the checkbox is selected, then the system maintains the Price by multiplying the average cost by the stock item's markup factor. The Average Cost and Price fields are updated when you receive stock. The Price defaults whenever the item is requested. It cannot be changed if the Auto Recalc Price field is selected.
  • If the checkbox is not selected, you can enter the unit price to charge for this item. While the system does not update the Price field when you record receipt of the item, you can use the Receive Stock page's New Price item on the Action Bar to change the unit price in the Inventory Catalog.
    For records with a Price field value of 0.00, the system defaults the Last Cost from the Stock Number table when receipt of the catalog item is recorded.


Systemgenerated code indicating the line item's status. Following are the status designations that apply:

O - Open
A - Approved
D - Denied

The significance of the Status setting depends on the Warehouse Inventory Profile's Approve Requests checkbox:

If the checkbox is selected, then each new line item has a status of O - Open. Open items must be approved before they can be filled.

If the checkbox is not selected, then each new line item has a status of A - Approved. Approved request items can be filled.

Receive Date

Date when stock was received for this line item. The field is updated when the line item is partially filled using the Exception Fill item on the Update Request page's Action Bar.

Back Order

Quantity placed on back order for the line item. This field displays the difference between the quantity entered and the number of units that can be filled if the request exceeds a catalog item's safety point. For more information, refer to the Creating Back Orders section above.

Total Amount

Total cost for the line item based on the unit price and the number of units requested, excluding items on back order. To calculate this value, the system multiplies the Quantity field by the Price after back orders are considered.


Description of the stock item, taken from the Stock Number table.

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