Exception Fill Page
Use this page to fill requests for individual line items. Some factors to keep in mind:
- If the Approved checkbox in the Warehouse Inventory Profile is selected, you can only fill request line items that are approved. For details on approvals, refer to Request Approval Page.
- You can completely or partially fill the line items that display for a request. For line items that are not being filled, you may leave the Fill Quantity field blank or enter 0.00.
- The system applies the Fill Quantity entered to the quantity reserved for the line item. It then applies any remaining units to the back ordered quantity. You cannot over-fill a line item.
- A Fill ID is assigned to the transaction based on the Warehouse Inventory Profile's Next Fill ID field. You can use the Fill ID as selection criteria when printing packing lists.
To fill all line items in a request, use the Fill Requests Page.
Menu Path: Warehouse Inventory > Entry & Processing > Warehouse Inventory > Warehouse Administration > click Requests > search for and select a request > click Exception Fill on the Action Bar
Filling individual line items for a request
- Select Warehouse Inventory > Entry & Processing > Warehouse Inventory > Warehouse Administration to display the Warehouse Administration page.
- Click Requests to display the Update Request page.
- In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button. For details on advanced searches, refer to Inventory Transactions Page.
- Select a request, and then click Exception Fill on the Action Bar.
- You can only access this page if the request has approved line items that are not completely filled.
- You can only select requests for the current year.
- For each line item, use the Fill Quantity field to record the quantity filled.
- The system applies the amount first to the line item's Quantity field, and then to the Back Order field if sufficient stock is not available. You cannot over-fill a line item.
- For line items with no fill quantity, you may leave the Fill Quantity field blank or enter 0.00.
- When you finish entering quantities for the line items, click OK.
- In the message dialog, click OK.
This completes the transaction. The system refreshes the Exception Fill page to reflect the line item updates.- The Filled and Fill Date fields are updated to show the quantity filled and the most recent transaction date when filling was recorded. You may need to use the horizontal scroll bar to view these fields.
- If back orders were filled, the system subtracts the appropriate amount from the Back Order field and adds it to the Quantity field.
Example: You enter a Fill Quantity of 10 units for a line item with a Quantity of 5 and a Back Order amount of 7. The system applies 5 units to the Quantity and the remaining 5 units as Back Order. When you save your entry, the system updates the Quantity field with an amount of 10 and the Back Order field with an amount of 2.