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Adding Commodities by Class

Use the Bid Catalog Information page's + Class item to add a class of commodities to a bid. Classes are identified by the first three digits of their codes. For example, if a commodity's code is 111-10-10-100, its class code is 111.

Adding a class to a bid, adds all of the class's commodities. As needed, you can then use the Bid Catalog Information page's Delete item to delete any of the newly-added commodities that should not be included in the bid. For the procedure, refer to Bid Catalog Information Page.

The + Class item displays the Add Commodities by Class page, which also includes the Estimated Price Method field for determining whether to apply the last price paid or last price bid to the commodities. You can also assign a percentage increase or decrease to their prices.

Menu Path:  Vendor Bidding > Entry & Processing > Bid Information > Bid Catalog Information > search for and select a bid > click + Class on the Action Bar

Adding a class of commodities to a bid

  1. Select Vendor Bidding > Entry & Processing > Bid Information > Bid Catalog Information to display the Bid Catalog Information page.

  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find.

  3. In the List section, select the bid, and then click OK to display its commodities.

  4. Click + Class on the Action Bar to display the Add Commodities by Class page.

  5. In the Class field, select a class from the Commodity Codes table.

  6. Use the Estimated Price Method and % Increase to Price fields to enter the commodities' price settings.

  7. Click OK to add all commodities from the class selected to the bid.

To delete any commodities that you do not want to include in the bid, use the Bid Catalog Information page's Delete item. For the procedure, refer to Deleting Commodities from Bids.


Following are descriptions of the fields in the Add Commodities by Class page:




Defaults the bid’s year. Display only.


Defaults the bid’s number. Display only.


Select a commodity class. The field's drop-down list includes all classes from the Commodity Codes table. The first three digits of a commodity’s code identify its class.

Estimated Price Method

Determines the value entered in the Estimated Price fields of the commodities in the class selected.


C - Last Paid Commodity Price - Uses the last price paid for a commodity, as recorded in the Purchasing System.
B - Last Bid Price - Uses the price from the last time this commodity was converted from a bid to a purchase order.

If needed, you can change the default prices for individual commodities in the Update Bid Catalog Item page. For details, refer to Updating Commodity Prices.

% Increase to Price

Using a decimal format (0.05 = 5%), specify the percentage for changing prices for the bid’s commodities. Decimal/3,2

Use a positive value to increase prices or a negative value (for example, -0.05) to decrease them.

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