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Copy Bid Page

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Use this page to add a new bid by copying an existing bid. All commodities associated with the original bid become part of the new bid.

After you select a bid and before you copy it, the following data defaults from the bid: Year, Bid Number, Description, Bid Type, and Bid Date.

  • If you are copying a bid for the same year, you must enter an unused bid number.
  • If the bid is for a new year, you can re-use previous bid numbers as needed.

The resulting bid includes all the commodities associated with the bid being copied, although you can determine the pricing method that applies and also assign a price increase or decrease.

After creating the new bid, you can use the Bid Catalog Information page's options to change the bid, including adding and deleting commodities. For details, refer to Bid Catalog Information Page.

Menu Path:  Vendor Bidding > Entry & Processing > Bid Information > Bid Catalog Information > search for and select a bid > click Copy Bid on the Action Bar

Copying commodities from a previous bid

  1. Select Vendor Bidding > Entry & Processing > Bid Information > Bid Catalog Information to display the Bid Catalog Information page.
  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find.
  3. Select the bid to copy, and then click Copy Bid on the Action Bar to display the Copy Bid page.
  4. In the page's Original Bid Information section, the Year and Bid fields display the year and bid number from the bid selected in Step 3.
    If needed, you may select another bid by changing the data in these fields.
  5. In the New Bid Information section, change the first six fields (Year through Status) as needed.
  6. Complete the Estimated Price and % Increase to Price fields. For descriptions, refer to the Fields section.
  7. Click OK.
  8. In the confirmation dialog, click Yes to copy the bid.
  9. In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is bid_copy.rpt.


Original Bid Information Section

The section defaults the following data from the bid selected in the Bid Catalog Information page. You may change the displayed information if you wish to copy a different bid.




Year identifying the bid being copied, in combination with the section's Bid field.


Number identifying the bid being copied, in combination with the section's Year field.

New Bid Information Section

Except for last two fields, Estimated Prices and % Increase to Price, the data in this section defaults from the bid selected in the Original Bid Information section.




Year identifying the new bid, in combination with the section's Bid field. Initially, the year defaults from the Original Bid Information section. You may select a different year if needed.


Number identifying the new bid, in combination with the section's Year field. Character/8

Initially, the field defaults the bid number from the Original Bid Information section. You must change this to a number that is not being used, unless you selected a different year.


Brief description of the new bid. Character/50

Bid Type

User-defined code identifying the type of bid, such as RFB (for request for bid) or RFP (for request for proposal). These codes are defined in Vendor Bidding’s Bid Type table.

Bid Date

Date that should appear on the bid.


System-defined code identifying the bid's status. By default, the Status is set to Open regardless of the original bid's status. This status designation indicates commodities can be added to the bid.

Estimated Price

Sets the price method to use as the default for the bid’s commodities.


Last Paid Commodity Price - Uses the last price paid for a commodity, as recorded in the Purchasing System.

Last Bid Price - Uses the price from the last time this commodity was converted from a bid to a purchase order.

In either case, the price referred to is the one associated with the last bid that was converted to a purchase order. If needed, you can change an item's price in the Update Bid Catalog Item page. For details, refer to Updating Commodity Prices.

% Increase to Price

Using a decimal format (0.05 = 5%), specify the percentage for changing prices for the bid’s commodities. Decimal/3,2

Use a positive value to increase prices or a negative value (for example, -0.05) to decrease them.

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