Revenue Ledger
Use this option to create, adjust, and review budget records in your Revenue Ledger. In addition, you can delete revenue records you no longer need, provided they have zero balances and have no transactions recorded against them during the current year.
From the Revenue Budgets page, you can access the following pages:
Reset Period | Post Original Revenue Budgets | Revenue |
Transactions | Post Budget Transfer | Period Balances |
For information on these pages, refer to Revenue Budgets Page, and the related Revenue Ledger sections.
Menu Path: Fund Accounting > Entry & Processing > Budget Ledgers > Revenue Ledger
Action Bar Items
The Revenue Budgets page displays the following Action Bar items, after you search and list budget records:
Display Through... | Displays the Reset Period page to change the period for year-to-date displays and queries but not the year. For details, refer to Resetting Periods. |
Adjust Budget | Displays the Revenue Budgets adjustment page that enables you to adjust the annual and per period amounts for a selected budget record. For details, refer to Revenue Budgets Adjustment Page. |
Transfer | Displays the Post Budget Transfer page to transfer revenues from one budget record to another. For details, refer to Post Budget Transfer Page |
Period Balances | Displays the Period Balances page that lists a unit's budgeted revenues, actual revenues, and encumbrances for individual periods. The page also provides totals and balances for the year to date. For details, refer to the Procedures section. |
Additional Revenue Pages
Besides the pages mentioned in the Action Bar Items section, you can access the following from the Revenue Budgets page:
- Post Original Revenue Budgets Page displays by clicking Add New. This page enables you to set up new budget records in your Revenue Ledger.
- Transactions Page displays by selecting a record in the Revenue Budgets page's List section and then clicking OK. This page provides complete data for a selected transaction. A revenue transaction can include a new budget record, budget adjustment, accounts receivable billing, payment record, or fund transfer from one budget unit-account to another.