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Add Degree Information Page

Use this page to add the employees' educational information during the add employee process. You can add up to 10 degrees for an employee. For each degree, you can provide degree type, school, graduation date, major and minor areas of study, credits earned, and grade point average information. You can also set one of the degrees as the highest degree.

Menu Path

After the add employee process is completed, you can display and edit degree data from Employee Information.

From the Human Resources menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Employee menu, select Employee Information. On the Employee Information page, search for and select an employee record. On the Action bar, select Personnel Information, and select Degree.

Add a Degree

  1. On the Degree Information page, complete the following required fields. For more information on optional fields, refer to the Add Degree Information Page#Degree Data Page.

    • Type: Select a degree type. The values in this field are retrieved from the Degree table.

    • School: Select a school from where, the degree is obtained. The values in this field are retrieved from the Degree School table.

    • Date: Enter or select the graduation date.

  2. If needed, select the next row and add an additional degree.

  3. Click Next to proceed to the next page of the employee add process, or Finish to save your work and leave the record in the Pending Employee Center.

Field Descriptions

Degree Data Page




Select a degree type. The values in this field are retrieved from the Degree table.


Select the Highest Degree option to indicate the current degree as the highest degree. You can set only one degree as the highest degree.

The highest degree appears in the Job Class Inventory report. 


Select a school from where the degree is obtained. The values in this field are retrieved from the Degree School table.


Enter or select the graduation date.


Select a major area of study associated with the degree.

Click Major/Minor option to enter the additional majors associated with the degree.


Select a minor area of study associated with the degree.

Click Major/Minor option to enter the additional minors associated with the degree.


Enter the number of academic credits represented by the degree.


Enter the grade point average earned on completing the degree.

Major Or Minor for Degree Page

To display this page, click the Major/Minor option when the cursor is positioned in the Major or Minor field. In the Major/Minor Subject Areas section, you can enter up to 14 major/minor combinations.




Select an additional major area of study. The values in this field are retrieved from the Degree Subject Table.

Above the Major/Minor Subject Areas section, the Major field displays the major area selected on the Degree Data page.


Select an additional minor area of study. The values in this field are retrieved from the Degree Subject Table.

Above the Major/Minor Subject Areas section, the Minor field displays the minor area selected on the Degree Data page.

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