Benefits Status Table
Menu Path: Human Resources, then Periodic Routines, then Affordable Care Act, then ACA Hours Tracking, then select Benefit Status Table
This table is a list of an employer's deduction and benefit codes used by the ACA Hours Tracking option to determine if an employee's Affordable Care Act Hours record is associated with a qualified plan, non-qualified health plan, or if coverage was declined. This table must contain at least one record in order for the Load and Import functions to operate.
Field | Description |
Deduction Code | Health care deduction codes, as defined in the Deduction table. |
Plan Status | The Plan Status value determined by the employee's active deduction records for the employee's healthcare plan. The options are:
Do not add Deduction Codes with a Plan Status = D to Benefit Groups. |
Offer Code | Healthcare coverage offer code, as defined by the IRS. These codes are used for 1094 and 1095 reporting. This field is only accessible when the Plan Status is D-Declined Qualified Plan and relates to the employee declining coverage. |