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Benefits Status Table

Menu Path: Human Resources, then Periodic Routines, then Affordable Care Act, then ACA Hours Tracking, then select Benefit Status Table

This table is a list of an employer's deduction and benefit codes used by the ACA Hours Tracking option to determine if an employee's Affordable Care Act Hours record is associated with a qualified plan, non-qualified health plan, or if coverage was declined. This table must contain at least one record in order for the Load and Import functions to operate.




Deduction Code

Health care deduction codes, as defined in the Deduction table.

Plan Status

The Plan Status value determined by the employee's active deduction records for the employee's healthcare plan. The options are:

  • Q - Qualified.

  • N - Non-Qualified.

  • D - Declined Qualified Plan.

Do not add Deduction Codes with a Plan Status = D to Benefit Groups.

Offer Code

Healthcare coverage offer code, as defined by the IRS. These codes are used for 1094 and 1095 reporting.

This field is only accessible when the Plan Status is D-Declined Qualified Plan and relates to the employee declining coverage.

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