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Employee Benefit Information Page

Use this page to perform the following functions:

  • List, add, update, and delete employee records.

  • Access a page for assigning and maintaining employee benefits.

  • Access additional pages for adding and maintaining benefit records for dependents and beneficiaries.

Menu Path:  Benefits > Entry & Processing > Benefits > Employee/Benefit Information

Considerations for Adding Employee Records

Ordinarily, the Human Resources interface automatically enters employees into the database. However, the employees must have primary pay rates and at least one benefit assigned in Human Resources.

The Employee/Benefit Information page enables you to bypass these requirements. Since this only applies to special circumstances, keep in mind the following:

  • You can only add employees who have a Human Resources record. You cannot add a new or anticipated employee who does not have an ID number.

  • If you want to pay an employee in Human Resources and include deductions and benefits, you must set up a primary pay rate. A primary rate is also required for accessing an employee in Employee Benefits.

  • If an employee does have a primary rate and you are still unable to access the employee's records in Employee Benefits, you need to add at least one benefit to the employee's record in Human Resources.

  • If you cannot access an employee and intend to add a primary rate and benefit later, then it is appropriate to use the Employee/Benefit Information page to create a record in Employee Benefits.

Action Bar Items

The page's Action Bar displays the following items after you generate a list of employees:


Displays the Dependent Benefits Information page, where you can enter and maintain information on an employee's dependents. You can also access a page for assigning, updating, and deleting benefit records for dependents. For details, refer to Dependent Benefits Information Page.


Displays the Beneficiary Information page, which enables you to identify and update an employee's beneficiaries. For details, refer to Beneficiary Information Page.


Displays the Benefit Information page, where you can assign, update, and delete an employee's benefits. You can also access pages for entering and maintaining benefit records for dependents. For details, refer to Benefit Information Page.

Other Insurance

Displays the Other Insurance page, where you can maintain information on insurance policies for employees and dependents that were obtained outside of your organization. For details, refer to Other Insurance Page.

Adding Attachments

The toolbar's Attachment item displays a page for attaching files to records, provided you have the proper security. You can also use the page to open and view existing attachments. While you can attach virtually any type of file, your ability to open a file depends on having the appropriate software on your computer. The maximum size of files that can be attached is 10 MB.

Use the following procedures to list, add, update, and delete employee records. For procedures on assigning benefits to employees and creating dependent and beneficiary records, refer to the pages noted in the Action Bar Items section.

Listing employee records stored in Employee Benefits

  1. Select Benefits > Entry & Processing > Benefits > Employee/Benefit Information to display the Employee/Benefit Information page.

  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
    The List section displays employees who have records in Employee Benefits.

Adding employee records

  1. Select Benefits > Entry & Processing > Benefits > Employee/Benefit Information to display the Employee/Benefit Information page.

  2. Click Add New.

  3. In the Employee Information section, complete the fields.

  4. Click OK to save the record.

    Depending on the Continuous checkbox:

    • If you cleared the checkbox, you return to the List section.

    • If the checkbox is selected, you return to the Employee Number. To add another employee, repeat Steps 3-4. When you finish, click Back to return to the List section.

Updating employee records

  1. Select Benefits > Entry & Processing > Benefits > Employee/Benefit Information to display the Employee/Benefit Information page.

  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.

  3. In the List section, select an employee, and then click OK.

  4. In the Employee Information section, update the Marital Status, Gender, and Dependent Coverage fields.

  5. Click OK to save the record.

  6. To update another employee's record, repeat Steps 3-5.

Deleting employee records

  1. Select Benefits > Entry & Processing > Benefits > Employee/Benefit Information to display the Employee/Benefit Information page.

  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.

  3. In the List section, select an employee.

  4. Click Delete.

  5. In the confirmation dialog, click Yes to delete the employee and all of the employee's benefit information.
    This only affects records in Employee Benefits.


List Section



Employee Number

ID number of the employee.


Employee’s full name. The name displays after you enter the ID number. Display only.


Code identifying the employee’s department, as defined in Human Resources’ Department table. This code is assigned in the Base Employee Information window during the add employee process. Display-only.

Marital Status

Code identifying the employee’s marital status:

S - Single
M - Married
D - Divorced
W - Widowed
O - Other


Employee’s gender:

F - Female
M - Male


Indicates whether dependents are linked to the employee's benefit record.


Y-Yes - If dependents are linked
N- No - If no dependents are linked

Dependent Count

Number of dependents linked to the employee's benefit record, as calculated by the system.

Employee Information Section



Employee Number

ID number of the employee.

When you are adding an employee, two conditions can prevent you from continuing after entering a number:

  • The employee's record is already stored in the Employee Benefits database. Error message: Employee already on file.

  • The employee does not have a record entered in Human Resources. Error message: Employee not in Human Resources.


Employee's full name. The name displays after you enter the ID number. Display only.


Code identifying the employee's department, as defined in Human Resources' Department table. This code is assigned in the Base Employee Information page during the add employee process. Display only.

Marital Status

Code identifying the employee's marital status.


S - Single
M - Married
D - Divorced
W - Widowed
O - Other
In Human Resources, an employee's marital status is a tax filing issue, so the only codes used are S - Single and M - Married. Employee Benefits provides the additional codes to address issues related to benefits.


Employee's gender.


F - Female
M - Male

Dependent Coverage

Checkbox indicating whether dependents should be required in benefit records entered in Employee Benefits.

  • Select the box to require the entry of dependents when a benefit record is added or updated.

  • Leave the box blank if dependent information is optional for the employee being added.

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