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Human Resources - Initial Procedures

Before you can create employee records and perform other procedure in the Human Resources System, you need to set up the system's Payroll and Personnel tables. The records in these tables are assigned to employees as described in the next section, Payroll Database Procedures. In addition, the settings in your Human Resources Profile should be completed, and security levels should be established for all personnel using the system.

  1. Confirm that your Human Resources Profile is set up in System Administration. The Profile record, which is initially completed during installation and training, includes the following settings:
    • Transaction Date, Client Name, System Title, and Company Name
    • The PowerSchool ERP Systems your organization has installed:
      Position Control
      Applicant Tracking
      Fund Accounting
    • Default titles for certain fields that display in Human Resources pages and reports.
    • Local System Options, including the following:

      Attendance Entry

      Pay Code Dropdown List

      Disable Auto Dock

      Net Pay Charging

      Worker's Compensation Charging

      Default SSN

      Create Vendor Payments

      SSN Masking Method

      Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals

      Pay Journal Sort Order

      EEO Report Default

      Net Pay Account

      Employee Security Zone

      Rate & Position History

      Auto Assign Employee

      Auto Assign Applicant

      Employee Start Number

      Applicant Start Number

      Employee Increment

      Applicant Increment

    • Selection and order of pages for adding a new employee
    • Employer information for federal and state reporting
    • State retirement information
    • Availability of the Additional Salary/Duty page in creating pay rates
    • Leave accrual setting
    • Rounding dollar amounts in calculating pay rates
    • Direct deposit information, including email voucher settings
    • Pay check printing options
    • Setting for calculating deductions before additional withholdings
    • Settings for dock arrears
    • Pay code for charging retro pay
    • Setting for taking withholdings on non-primary job classes
    • Setting for child support allocations
    • Customer site code
  2. Confirm that you and other users have the required security resources for accessing the appropriate options and viewing confidential information, such as Social Security and bank account numbers.
    For more information on system security, refer to your system administrator.
  3. Set up your Payroll, Personnel, and Education tables using the Human Resources > Reference Tables options. These tables store information used in payroll processing, personnel record-keeping, and the add and change employee processes.
    Payroll Tables

    Additional Duty Codes

    FIPS Codes

    Bank Codes

    Group Life Insurance


    Job Classes

    Check Reconciliation File Format

    Leave Codes


    Local Tax Codes


    Pay Codes

    EIC Codes

    Position Types

    Federal Tax Codes

    Salary Schedules

    FICA Tax Codes

    State Tax Codes

    Personnel Tables 

    Assignment Codes

    Qualification Methods

    Bargaining Units

    Qualification Statuses

    Certification Areas

    Race Codes

    Certification Types

    Requirement Codes

    Credential Codes

    Situation Types

    Employee Types

    Status Codes

    Job Skills

    Suffix Codes

    License Types

    Termination Codes


    User Defined Codes

    Other Interests

    Workers' Compensation Codes

    Qualification Codes

    Education Tables 

    Continuing Ed Class Types

    Course Term Codes

    Continuing Ed Cost Types

    Course Topic Areas

    Continuing Ed Course Status Codes

    Degree Levels

    Continuing Ed Course User-Defined Labels

    Degree Schools

    Course Category Codes

    Degree Subject Type

    Course Credit Types

    Degree Subjects

    Course Proficiency Codes


    Add Employee Process Tables 

    Role Setup

    User Setup

    You may also need to set up tables for Applicant Tracking and Time Entry, depending on the modules you are using.
    For information on creating, maintaining, and printing table records, refer to Maintain Reference Table Records.

  4. In the Fund Accounting System, verify that the Organization Chart, Account List, Project List (if used), and appropriate ledgers are set up.
  5. Set up direct deposits for employees. Use the Deduction table to create Direct Deposit records and Create Bank Prenote option to prepare and confirm data for each bank, including the one handling your payroll funds.
  6. Use the Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Year End > W2 Processing and 1099-R Processing options to enter information required in payroll processing for generating W2 and 1099-R forms at year end.
  7. If you use Time Entry, you need to set up the Time Entry Profile and Time Entry reference tables. You also must enter certain settings in the Pay Code and Leave tables and set up employee records for Time Entry.


If your account structure needs to be changed in accordance with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), refer to the PowerSchool ERP Human Resources and Payroll Every Student Succeeds Act Fiscal Year-End Checklist for details on updating Deduction, Pay Code, and Tax tables with new year information.

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