Issue a Manual Paycheck
Use the Manual Checks option to identify a pay run and set up a timecard to issue a paycheck outside of regular payroll.
Menu Path
From the Human Resources menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Payroll menu, select Manual Checks.
Manual Checks Pages
Following are descriptions of the main pages used to issue a manual check for a selected employee:
Manual Checks - Pay Run | Enables you to select a pay run and enter start and end dates for the pay period. After you enter this information, click Accept to display the Manual Checks - Timecard page. |
Manual Checks - Timecard | Enables you to enter timecard information to issue a manual check to a selected employee. |
Manual Check - Calculation | Displays the results of your timecard entries for the manual check, including hours, earnings, deduction codes, and amounts for taxes, employee-paid deductions, and employer-paid benefits. |
Other pages are available while entering pay data, including the Attendance page for charging leave time and FLSA Worksheet page for applying Fair Labor Standards Act overtime.
Action Bar Items
The Action Bar on the Manual Checks pages displays the following items:
Available when you first display either version of the Manual Checks page. Activates a wizard that uses two pages: Pay Check Line Up and Print Manual/Adjustment Checks. For information on these pages, refer to Printing Manual Checks. | |
Set Default FLSA Carry Over | Available when you first access the Manual Checks - Timecard page. Displays a page asking if you would like to carry over Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) overtime to the next time the employee is paid. This item only displays if you have a pay code set up for FLSA overtime.
To allow or prevent carryover for employees individually, generate a list of employees, select an employee, and then click the View FLSA Time item. For information on using this item, refer to Entering FLSA Overtime. |
In addition to Insert Row and Delete Row, the following items display in the Manual Checks - Timecard page's Action Bar after you enter an Employee Number: | |
FLSA Worksheet | Displays the FLSA Worksheet page, which shows the calculated values for FLSA overtime entries. The page can only be accessed if FLSA overtime is generated. |
Max Distribution Account | In the *Budget Unit* field, defaults the budget unit that accounts for the greatest percentage of the pay rate’s distribution. You may change the default. |
Additional items display when you access the timecard section of the Manual Checks - Timecard page.
Section and Tabs
The Manual Checks - Timecard page includes the following section and tabs:
Employee Section | Enables adding or changing pay rate data for calculating the check, including hours, rates, and tax methods. |
Check Info Tab | Enables you to specify the check number and issue date. If the payroll bank account identifies Payroll Manual Checks as a document type, the check number is populated automatically. |
Deduction Frequencies Tab | Enables you to specify the deduction frequencies for setting up a pay run. These codes, which are user defined, are stored in the Deduction table. The system references the codes to determine which deductions to use in calculating the employee's net pay. The Direct Deposit section's Exclude Direct Deposit field enables you to issue manual checks to employees who usually receive direct deposits. Leave the box selected to exclude direct deposits. |
Special Pay Frequencies Tab | Enables you to include special pays. These frequencies, which are user defined. are stored in the Pay Code table. The system references the codes to determine which special pays to process. |
Accruals Tab | Enables you to specify accruals that should be updated. This includes amounts for the current period and cumulative totals for the month, quarter, calendar year, and fiscal year to date. Checkboxes are also available for accruing leave and decreasing the number of encumbrances remaining in the fiscal year. |
Issue a Manual Check
On the Manual Checks - Pay Run page, enter a Pay Run and Period Start and End Dates. These fields default values from the current pay run, if one is available. You may change the values or set up a new pay run. Your entries only apply to the current checks, not to any existing pay runs.
Click Accept.
If the pay run selected was defined to process Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals, a Confirmation dialog displays asking if you want to process any necessary accruals. Click Yes to process accruals. For more information, refer to Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals.
In the Confirmation dialog, click Yes.
In the Manual Checks - Timecard page, enter the employee ID. If needed, use Lookup.
Click Accept.
In the timecard section, enter the employee pay data, using as many lines as needed.
To enter a timecard line, position your cursor in a blank Class field, enter a job class, and then complete the remaining fields. This can include entries for regular, overtime, and special pay, as well as leave time.
To default the primary rate job class and pay code, press <tab> in the Class field.
Click Accept when you finish the timecard entries.
If FLSA timecard are generated, an Information dialog displays. Click OK to close it.
If you entered a leave code and the code references a leave bank in the Employee Information page, the Attendance Information page displays. Enter the attendance information, and then click OK. For more information, refer to Enter Leave for a Manual Check.
Complete the page tabs:
Check Info: Enter a check number (up to eight digits) and issue date. If you intend to print a check using the Print item on the Action Bar, you cannot use characters, only numbers.
Deduction Frequencies: Select the frequencies that apply, or click Check All to select all the boxes. Leave the Exclude Direct Deposit checkbox selected in the Direct Deposit section.
Special Pay Frequencies: Select the frequencies that apply for issuing special pays. The tab displays all special pay frequencies in your system.
Accruals: Select the accruals that apply. By default, the system selects all of the accrual checkboxes except Accrue Leave. Clearing the box prevents the data indicated from accruing.
Click Accept to display the Manual Checks - Calculation page, which shows the system's calculation of pay and withholdings.
If the pay and withholding information is correct, click Accept, and proceed.
If the information is not correct, click Back to return to the Manual Checks - Timecard page. You can change your entries by repeating the procedure. To cancel the check entries for the current employee, click Back again.In the Post Manual Check dialog, click Yes to post the check to your database.
In the Print window select a destination for the Manual Check Journal, and then click OK.
The journal's default file name is 9999999m.rpt, with 9999999 representing the check number and "m" standing for manual. For checks with fewer than seven digits, the system backfills the file name with zeros; for example, the journal for check 12345 is saved as 0012345m.rpt.
If you choose to complete the check manually, click Back to return to the Manual Check - Timecard page.In the Print window select a destination for the Manual Check Journal, and then click OK.
Post the check to the Fund Accounting System. From the Fund Accounting menu, select Periodic Routines. From the Periodic Processing menu, select Automated Payroll Interface. The batch file for posting the check is identified by a control number consisting of the letter P, the check's default pay period ending date, and the letter M. For example, the control number for a check issued manually with a period ending date of 08/25/2023 would be P082523M.
When you complete the check manually, make sure the check's amount matches the net pay in the Manual Check Journal.
Fields and Descriptions
Following are descriptions of the fields in the Manual Checks - Timecard page.
This section defaults information entered in the Manual Checks - Pay Run page.
Field | Description |
Pay Run | Code and description identifying the pay run to use for the manual check. |
Period Dates | The start and end dates of the pay period for the pay run. |
Employee Number | Employee's ID number. Enter an ID, or click Lookup to search for and select an employee in the Employee Lookup page. |
The fields in this section can be used to enter timecard lines for pay and leave. For information on leave, refer to the next section, Enter Leave for a Manual Check.
Field | Description |
Class | Job class to use for the pay being issued or leave being charged. You can select a class from the drop-down list, or press <Tab> to default the job class and pay code from the employee's primary pay rate. |
Pay Code | Pay code to use for issuing pay or charging leave. |
Hours Or Days | Pay hours for Hourly pay codes or days for Daily pay codes. Leave the field at its 0.00 default to use the default hours defined in the employee's primary pay rate, as displayed in the Regular Hours/Days field. For other rates, you must enter the hours or days. |
Pay Rate | Rate for calculating the employee's pay.
Amount | System-calculated pay, except for a pay code with a Time card Amount pay type. With this pay type, you must enter the amount. |
*Budget Unit* | Low organization for distributing the employee's pay in Fund Accounting. The budget unit defaults from the employee's primary pay rate but does not display. Leave the field blank, or enter a budget unit to override the default. If your Fund Accounting Profile's Full Account Expense field is selected, the Full Account Window page displays when you access the Budget Unit field. For more information, refer to Add Employee Records - Full Account Window Page. |
Account | Account for distributing the employee's pay. The default, which does not display, can have two sources: |
*Project* | Project code from the pay rate. You may accept the pay rate's default project code or enter a different code. This field and the following Account field only apply if you use project accounting and the rate is linked to a project. |
Account | Project account code from the pay rate. You may accept the default or enter a code to override it. This field only applies if you entered a code in the Project field. |
Tax | Pay frequency code for federal taxes. Leave the field blank to use the default from the employee's Federal Tax table. If needed, you may select another frequency, but keep in mind that this would reference tax tables other than those that usually apply to the employee. |
Pay Cycle | Code identifying the pay cycle for the timecard entry. The system defaults 1, which is the only cycle that can be used with a manual check. |
FLSA Cycle | Cycle for applying FLSA overtime. The default (0) prevents this type of overtime. If you want to include FLSA overtime, enter the appropriate cycle number (2-9), and then click FLSA Worksheet on the Action Bar to display the FLSA Worksheet page. For information, refer to Entering FLSA Overtime. |
Regular Hours/Days | Number of hours or days stored in the employee's primary pay rate. If you include a timecard line for the primary rate, the system uses this as the default in calculating the pay unless you override it by entering a value in the timecard's Hours/Days field. |
Hours/Days Entered | Total number of hours or days entered in the timecard's Hours/Days fields, including time for both pay and leave. If the primary pay rate's default hours/days are used, this value is not included in the total. |
Check Info Tab
Field | Description |
Check Number | Number identifying the manual check. If you want to print the check, do not include characters in the check number. Also, for printing as well as general record-keeping purposes, we recommend that you number checks sequentially. If needed, you can assign new numbers when you run the Print option. The limit is eight characters. If the payroll bank account identifies Payroll Manual Checks as a document type, the check number is populated automatically. |
Issue Date | Date to appear on the check. This entry does not affect the check’s pay period, which is defined by the Period Start Date and Period End Date fields in the Manual Checks - Pay Run page. If needed, you can assign a different issue date when you run the Print option. |
Deduction Frequencies Tab
Field | Description |
Deduction Frequencies | User-defined codes for identifying deductions during pay run processing. If you select a box, the system will look for Deduction records that store the code indicated. If one or more of these records are assigned to the employee, the relevant deductions will be taken. The Deduction Frequencies tab displays all the frequency codes that are being used in your Deduction records. Select the frequencies that apply to the employee, or click Check All to select all of the checkboxes. |
Exclude Direct Deposit | Checkbox for inactivating a direct deposit of the manual check, if the employee is normally paid through this function. Leave the checkbox selected to prevent a direct deposit of the check's amount. |
Special Pay Frequencies Tab
Field | Description |
Special Pay Frequencies | User-defined codes specifying how often special pays are to be issued, for example, M for Monthly or Q for Quarterly. Special pay frequency codes are stored in Pay Code records that have a Special Amount pay type. If you enter a pay code on the employee's timecard that applies to special pay and the appropriate box is selected, the system includes the special pay in its calculations. |
Accruals Tab
Field | Description |
Accruals | Checkboxes identifying the accruals to apply to the leave, deductions, and pay associated with the manual pay check. By default, all boxes are selected except the Accrue Leave checkbox. If you clear a box, the system will not accrue the related values calculated during processing. A checkbox is also included for decreasing the Encumbrances Remaining field in benefit records. This field determines how many times a benefit can be taken in a fiscal year. Leave the box selected to decrease the number of times remaining, or clear the box to leave the times remaining unchanged. |