Preliminary Procedures
Before you can create position records, you need to check that certain settings and tables are in place in other application Systems. Following are preliminary requirements for using Position Control.
- Verify that you have the required security resources for accessing the options you need to use.
Contact your system administrator for information on security. Confirm that your Human Resources Profile is set up for Position Control. The Profile includes two fields of relevance:
Position Control
Indicates whether Position Control is in effect and if so, the level of control allowed. The field's settings include:
Y - Use Position Control (full control)
Prevents positions from being overfilled and also allows you to use Position Control's budgeting features.
T - Tracking Mode
Allows you to overfill positions, but enables the system to issue a warning when you overfill a position. This setting does not allow budget monitoring.
N - Do not use Position Control
Indicates Position Control is not installed (or you are not using it).
Rate & Position History
Determines whether Position Control should maintain history records on position activity. The field's checkbox must be selected to enable this feature.
These settings are usually entered as part of system implementation.
- If you use full control and want to track cumulative salaries, you need to select the Track Position Salary checkbox in pay codes. These records can be accessed through Human Resources' Pay Code Table option.
- Verify that the Organization Chart, Account List, Project List (if used), and appropriate ledgers in the Fund Accounting System include the additional distribution codes you may need to set up positions within job classes.
If you intend to retain the distributions currently used in job classes, no changes are required in Fund Accounting. - Verify that Job Class and Location tables are set up in Human Resources. These tables contain records that apply directly to Position Control's Position table. You should also verify that other Human Resources tables are set up before attempting to use Position Control.
- If you are tracking Highly Qualified Teachers, verify that the Personnel Tables used for Highly Qualified Teacher records are set up in Human Resources.