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Purge Check Reconciliation

Use this option to delete checks from the Check Reconciliation (checkrec) table. Depending on your selection criteria, you can purge cleared checks, outstanding checks, or both. To reduce the chance of deleting the wrong checks, the system requires that you specify either the check numbers, cleared dates, or issue dates in your criteria.

Prior to using this option, you should generate at least one of the following reports:

Outstanding Checks
Check History
Payroll Check Status

You also should run one of these options after a purge to confirm your deletions.

Menu Path:  System Administration > Administration > Human Resources Purge Options > Check Reconciliation

Purging reconciled checks

  1. Generate one of the reports listed above.

  2. Select System Administration > Administration > Human Resources Purge Options > Check Reconciliation to display the Purge Check Reconciliation File page.

  3. Enter selection criteria identifying the records to purge.

  4. Click OK.

  5. In the Confirmation dialog, click Yes.

  6. Click OK when processing is complete.

  7. To confirm your deletions, re-run the report generated in Step 1.




Check Number

Number of the check you want to purge.

  • To delete selected checks, use the pipe symbol between numbers, for example, 65112|65145|65187.

  • To delete a series of checks, place a colon between the lowest and highest check numbers in the series, for example, 65001:65500.

  • To purge all checks defined by your other criteria, leave this field blank.

Date Cleared

Date assigned to the checks in the Check Reconciliation or Post Cleared Pay Checks option.

  • To purge cleared checks, enter the date when the checks were cleared.

  • To purge outstanding checks, enter the equal (=) sign without a date.

  • To purge all checks defined by the issue date, leave the field blank. This allows the system to purge both cleared and outstanding checks.

Issue Date

Date assigned to the pay run when the checks were issued.

  • To restrict your purge to checks from a particular pay run, enter the date of the run. If you had two or more pay runs on this date, you must use the Check Number field to define the checks to purge.

  • To specify a period that includes two or more pay runs, enter the first and last dates of the range, separated by a colon, for example, 04012018:04312018.

  • To use check numbers and the cleared date as the limiting factors in your purge, leave this field blank.

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