Registration for an External Applicant
This section outlines the registration process for an applicant who is not already on record with your organization.
The link for applicants to register for a new Recruitment account will appear on the Log In page of the Recruitment Portal provided by your organization.
Clicking the Register link will display a Registration page, where the applicant enters their information and submits it to your organization. The user name and email address cannot already be in use by another user within your organization. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk. Some of the fields, such as the Social Security and State Educator ID fields, display based on settings in the Recruitment Portal Configuration's Online Presentation & Options page. For information, refer to Online Presentation & Options.
Once the external applicant has entered all the required information, clicking Create User at the bottom of the page will submit the information to your organization and log the applicant into the Recruitment Portal. The applicant can exit the registration at any time by clicking Cancel.
For details on the external applicant registration process, refer to Data Flow.
Applicant Details
Field | Description |
First Name | Applicant's first name. Required. |
Middle Name | Applicant's middle name. |
Last Name | Applicant's last name. Required. |
Social Security | Applicant's Social Security number. This field is based on the settings in the Online Presentation & Options page. |
State Educator ID | Applicant's state educator identification number. This field is based on the settings in the Online Presentation & Options page. |
Contact Information
Field | Description |
Address | Two-line street address for the applicant. Required. |
City | City for the applicant's address. Required. |
State | Select the abbreviation identifying the applicant's state. |
Country | Country for the applicant's address. Country location must be the United States. Required. |
Zip Code | Zip code and zip extension for the applicant's address. |
Primary Phone | Applicant's primary telephone number. |
Alternate Phone | Applicant's alternate telephone number. |
Primary Email | Applicant's primary email address entered in a valid email address format. |
Confirm Primary Email | Applicant's primary email address re-entered for confirmation. The entry must match the email address entered in the previous field. |
Alternate Email | Applicant's alternate email address entered in a valid email address format. |
Confirm Alternate Email | Applicant's alternate email address re-entered for confirmation. The entry must match the email address entered in the previous field. |
User Information
Field | Description |
Username | User name for the applicant's login. Character/12 |
Password | Password for the applicant's login. The password must contain letters and at least one number and two symbols. The help text for this field depends on the settings in the Override Password Requirement Warning field on the Online Presentation & Options page. |
Confirm Password | Applicant’s password re-entered for confirmation. The entry must match the password entered in the previous field. |
Security Question | Select a security question that will be used when an applicant enters a forgot password request. |
Security Answer | Answer to the security question that will be used when the applicant enters a forgot password request. |
Enter the code shown | Field for the applicant to enter the CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) code which will appear above the field. |