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Retroactive Time Load

Use this option to calculate and load pay amounts for employees receiving retroactive pay increases. With the Retroactive Time Load option, you can:

  • Select an individual employee by employee number or a group of employees based on department, job class, bargaining unit, and pay group.

  • Load a pay amount that is due retroactively, provided that you load the regular pay first with the Standard Time Load option.

  • Apply pay increases based on a percentage increase, amount increase, or combination of the two.

  • Generate an edit report that calculates employees' pay without producing timecards. The system also generates the report when you run the timecards.

Retroactive Time Load's Amount Raise option only applies to employees who have either Hourly or Daily pay type pay codes. However, the Percent Raise option can be used with all pay type pay codes. For more information, refer to Pay Code Table.

Retroactive Pay Calculation

The system calculates the additional pay based on data from the Retroactive Time Load page, Pay Code table, and employees' Check History files. The equation used in calculating retroactive pay depends on the pay type of the pay code entered on the employee's timecard:

  • Hourly or Daily Pay Type
    Retroactive Pay Amount = [(Check History Amount ÷ Check History Hours/Days) x Raise %] x Check History Hours/Days

  • Amount, Special Pay Amount, or Per Period Rate Pay Type
    Retroactive Pay Amount = Check History Amount x Raise %

  • Per Unit Rate Pay Type
    Retroactive Pay Amount = [(Check History Amount ÷ Check History Units) x Raise %] x Check History Units

  • You must set up a pay code specifically for retroactive pay. Make sure that the pay code’s Exclude from Retro Pay checkbox is not selected.

  • If a code is stored in the Human Resources Profile’s Retro Pay Code field to increase the Contract Limit and Paid fields in employee pay rates, you must enter this code in the Retroactive Time Load page’s Retro Pay Code field.

  • You must run the Standard Time Load option before running the Retroactive Time Load option.

Process Timecards and Generate the Report for Retroactive Pay

  1. Click Load Employee Time in the Pay Run Processing page to display the Load Employee Time page.
    If you are using the Payroll wizard, the Load Employee Time page displays when you complete the Clear/Update Balances process.

  2. Review the Pay Groups and Dates in the Pay Run Setup Information section.
    If any field values are incorrect, use the following page to change them: Pay Run Setup - Step 2.

  3. From the Time Loading Options drop-down list, select the Retroactive Time option.

  4. Click Load to display the Retroactive Time Load page.

  5. In the Employee Selection Criteria section, identify the employees receiving retroactive pay. The system uses this criteria to search for employees in the Check History file.

  6. In the Retro Load Criteria section, select the appropriate option.

  7. In the Retro Load Data section, complete the fields. All fields are required except Retro Pay Code.

  8. Click OK.

  9. In the Print window, enter settings for generating the Retroactive Pay Calculation report. The report's default file name is retropay.rpt.

  10. Click OK to begin processing. You return to the Load Employee Time page when processing is complete.

  11. Select another Time Loading option, or click Finish to display the Edit Employee Time page.

Fields and Descriptions

Search Criteria Section



Employee Number

Enter an individual ID, or use the pipe symbol to separate ID's, for example, 54321|23456|43210.


Select a department from the drop-down list. Leave the field blank to select all departments.

Job Class

Select a job class from the drop-down list. Leave the field blank to select all job classes.

Bargaining Unit

Select a bargaining unit from the drop-down list. Leave the field blank to select all bargaining units.

Pay Group

Enter an individual pay group code, or use the pipe symbol to separate multiple codes, for example A|B|W.

Retro Load Criteria Section




  • Report Only - Generates the Retroactive Pay Calculation report. This option does not load timecards.

  • Generate Employee Time - Loads timecards for retroactive pay and generates the calculation report.

Retro Load Data Section

The following fields are required, except Retro Pay Code.



From Date

Enter the start date of the retroactive period.

To Date

Enter the end date of the retroactive period.

Percent Raise

Enter the percentage of the increase, expressed as a decimal; for example, enter.05 for a 5% increase.

Amount Raise

Enter the dollar amount of the increase. If you include a percentage and amount, the percentage is calculated first, then the amount is added.

Sort Order

Select one of the following as the sort order for the Retroactive Pay Calculation report:

  • 1 - Employee Name

  • 2 - Department/Employee Name

Retro Pay Code

Select the pay code set up for charging retroactive pay. Note that the field's drop-down list includes all codes in the Pay Code table.

If a code is stored in the Human Resources Profile's Retro Pay Code field to increase the Contract Limit and Paid fields in employee pay rates, select that code.

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