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Roll Over Applicant Records

Use the Roll Over item in the Applicant Information search page to copy an applicant's information to Human Resources.

The rollover creates a record in the Pending Employee Center. The center enables you to complete information on the employee that was not entered through Applicant Tracking. For more information, refer to Add New Hires in the Pending Employee Center.

After the rollover, you can delete or purge the applicant's record. However, you may want to retain the record during the employee's probationary period.

Menu Path

From the Human Resources menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Miscellaneous menu, select Applicant Information. In the action bar, click Roll Over.


Before you initiate the rollover process:

  • Use the Hire item to add hiring information to applicants' records. You can tell whether this option was run for an applicant by checking the Hire Date column of the Applicant Information record center. If a date does not appear here, then the option was not run.
    For additional information on the Hire item, refer to the previous section, Hire Applicants.

  • If any applicants were formerly employed by your organization, be sure to clear the Rehire fields in their Applicant Status tabs. Otherwise, their records cannot be rolled.

Roll over applicants' information

  1. On the Roll Hired Applicants page, enter a date in the Post Applicants Hired by Date field. The date should match or fall after the hiring dates of the applicants' whose records you want to roll over.
    For example, if you enter 08/20/2017, the system rolls over information for all applicants hired on or prior to this date.

  2. Click Accept.

  3. In the Confirmation dialog, click Yes.

  4. In the Print window, specify how you want to generate the rollover report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is approll.rpt.

  5. Review the report to verify the records that were rolled. If any errors are reported that prevented certain records from rolling over, correct the problems, and then re-run the procedure.

  6. Review the applicants' records in the Pending Employee Center, and then complete their records as needed. For information, refer to Add New Hires in the Pending Employee Center.

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