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Add New Hires in the Pending Employee Center

When you roll over applicants, the system creates employee records in the Human Resources database and assigns the status of Add Pending to the new hires. To change their status to Active, you will need to complete their records in the Pending Employee Center.

For the steps to follow for running the rollover process, refer to the previous section, Roll Over Applicant Records.

Menu Path

From the Human Resources menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Employee menu, select Employee Information. Enter search criteria to identify pending employees.

Create Employee Records from a Rollover

Initially, a new hire's record includes the following information from Applicant Tracking:

Names and Suffix

Status Code


Employee Number

Part-time Status


Social Security Number


Handicapped Status

Permanent Address

Base Location


Home Telephone

Years Employed


Birth Date

Years in State

Job Skills

Hire Date

Years in Total

Other Interests

Job Class

EEO Data

You can verify that this data was copied properly by reviewing the employee's records in the Pending Employee Center. Only five of the center's page buttons will display checkmarks indicating that their required fields have been completed. These include:

Base Employee Information

Job Skills/Other Interests

Personnel Information

Degree Information


Besides needing to complete the other pages listed in the Pending Employee Center, you may want review the above pages and complete their optional fields. Therefore, we recommend that you run the center's entire wizard process beginning with the first page in the process, Base Employee Information.

For additional information, refer to Pending Employee Center.

Complete a New Hire Record

  1. On the Employee Information page, enter selection criteria to identify the new hires, and then click Accept to generate a list.

  2. Select an employee whose Pending Status is Add Pending, and then click Accept.

  3. In the Pending Employee Center, select Base Employee Information to initiate the wizard and display the Base Employee Information page.

  4. Complete the fields as needed.

  5. Click Next to display the next page in the add employee process.
    The order of the pages depends on how your system is configured in the Role Setup and User Setup tables, as well as in the Human Resources Profile's Employee Add Setup option.

  6. Repeat Steps 5-6 for each page that displays.

  7. After you have completed all pages in the add process and click Next or Finish in the final page, the system returns you to the Pending Employee Center.

  8. If all required pages (those marked with asterisks) have been completed, click Finish on the page's Action Bar.

  9. In the Confirmation dialog, click Yes.
    This removes the employee's Add Pending status and returns you to the Employee Information search page. You can now access this employee in the change process.

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