Shift Scheduling Table
Enter work-week schedules for your employees based on their assigned department. In a Shift Scheduling record, you define the days of the week when a department's employees generally work, and then you tie the schedule to the appropriate Time Entry departments. The system uses these schedules to default hours for the appropriate days in employee timecards.
If most employees work the same days of the week, you can set up a record as the default schedule. The system applies this schedule to all employees in departments that are not associated with another Shift Scheduling record.
Menu Path
From the Human Resources menu, select Reference Tables. From the Time Entry menu, select Shift Scheduling.
Print Shift Scheduling Records
- Select Search without criteria to display the full list of schedules. Enter criteria first to display a subset of the full schedule list.
- From the toolbar select Print. The report's default file name is timsched3.rpt.
- In the dialogue box, select a destination, then select OK.
Shift Scheduling Records
Shift Scheduling records simplify your employees' entry of their weekly time by defining days of the week when a department's employees generally work. The system applies the schedules to employees' Time Entry timecards, defaulting hours for the days associated with each employee's department. Employees can change the default values if needed.
For example, suppose the following applies to a group of employees:
- Employees in the Time Entry department SFT10 work ten hours a day for four days each week.
- Employees in the Time Entry department SFTSA work on Saturdays in addition to Monday through Thursday.
- Employees in all other Time Entry departments work a conventional schedule of Monday through Friday.
To use shift scheduling for this scenario, you would:
- Create three records in the Shift Scheduling table, and
- You would set the Time Entry Profile's Use Scheduling field to D - Use and Default.
You would set up the Shift Scheduling records as follows:
- Create a record with a Master Shift code of SFT10, select the checkboxes for the appropriate four weekdays, and associate the record with department SFT10.
- Create a record with a Master Shift code of SFTSA, select the checkboxes for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday, and associate the record with department SFTSA.
Create a record with a Master Shift code of DEFAULT, select the checkboxes for Monday through Friday, and select the Default Shift field.
For the DEFAULT record, you do not need to assign Time Entry departments. The system applies this record to all Time Entry departments by default, except for SFT10 and SFTSA.
Shift Information Section
After you complete the fields, select OK to access the Time Entry Departments section. If you select the Default Shift checkbox, when you select OK the record is saved.
Field | Description |
Master Shift | Identifies the Shift Schedule record. Character/8 |
Shift Desc. | Full description of the Shift Schedule record. Character/25 |
Default Shift | Determines whether this is the default schedule. The system applies the default schedule for all employees in Time Entry departments that are not associated with a Shift Scheduling record. The default schedule is only used if the Time Entry profile Use Scheduling field is set to D - Use and Default. Select the box to assign the schedule as the default. Otherwise, leave blank.
There can only be one default schedule.
Monday - Sunday (7 fields) | Select the days of the week to default as scheduled workdays. When employees access their timecards, the system defaults the Hours/Days from their primary pay rates for the days selected in the shift record. Employees can edit the default hours as needed if their actual hours differ.
For the pay hours to default, the Time Entry Profile’s Use Scheduling field must be set to Y - Use Shift Scheduling or U - Use and Default.
Time Entry Departments Section
Use this section to tie departments to the Shift Scheduling record. Enter a department code for each Time Entry department you want to associate with the schedule. If you selected Default Shift, you cannot assign departments.
To add a department, press <Tab> or from the Action Bar select Insert Row. To delete a department, select the department, and from the Action Bar select Delete Row.
Field | Description |
Code | Identifies a department you want to associate with the schedule. The system applies the schedule to timecards for the department's employees. |
Title | Description for the Time Entry department entered. Display-only. |