Generating Bid Lists for Vendors
On this page:
Use Vendor Bidding's Bid List report option to generate bid worksheets for distribution to vendors in either regular or condense format. If desired you can also include tax fields.
Running the Bid List option changes the status of bids from Open to Listed. To run the report again for the same bids, you must choose R - Reprint Listed Bids in the Vendor Bid List Report page's Print Option field.
For information on additional reports, refer to Vendor Bid Reports.
Menu Path: Vendor Bidding > Reports > Vendor Bidding Reports > Bid List
This option should be run after all departmental requests are entered for the vendors affected. Before generating your Bid Lists, you should close bids to requests to prevent additional quantities from being entered. Bids can be closed for this purpose in the Close to Requisitions field of the Bid Header Information page. For details, refer below to the procedure on closing a bid.
Generating a Bid List
- Enter all bid requests, and then complete the procedure that follows on closing bids to requests.
- Select Vendor Bidding > Reports > Vendor Bidding Reports > Bid List to display the Vendor Bid List Report page.
- In the Year field, enter the year that applies to the bids.
- In the Bid field, enter an individual bid number, or use query symbols to access multiple bids, as noted in the Fields section.
- Complete the remaining fields as needed, and then click OK.
- In the Question dialog, click Yes to include notes that were entered as part of Commodity Codes records or No to exclude the notes.
This dialog only displays if you left the Condensed Format checkbox blank. - In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is bidlist.rpt.
- Use the Bid List Mailing Labels option to generate labels for mailing the Bid List to vendors. For details, refer to Bid List Mailing Labels.
Closing a bid to additional requests
- Select Vendor Bidding > Entry & Processing > Bid Information > Bid Catalog Information to display the Bid Catalog Information page.
- In the Search section, enter criteria identifying the bids to list, and then click Find.
- Select a bid record, and then click Change Bid Header on the Action Bar to display the Bid Header Information page. For details, refer to Bid Header Information Page.
- In the Close to Requisitions field, select Yes from the drop-down list. This prevents users from requesting additional quantities for the commodities included in the bid.
- Click OK to save the setting and return to the Bid Catalog Information page.
- Repeat Steps 3-5 for any additional bids that need to be closed to requests.
Closing a bid to requests is not the same as closing the bid. It only affects the ability of users to enter requests against the bid. To close a bid to all processes, use the Close Bids Page.
Report Criteria Section
Field | Description |
Year | Year identifying the bid, in combination with the bid number. |
Bid | Number identifying the bid, in combination with the year. You may use the following to include multiple bids:
Sort Order | Specifies the report's sort order. Select: B - Bid/Commodity Class - to sort by bid and then commodity class. |
Condensed Format | Checkbox determining whether to generate the Bid List in regular or condensed format. Select the box to produce a condensed report. A condensed report does not provide the option of including notes and also combines manufacturer and comment fields on the same line. |
Include Tax Fields | Checkbox determining whether to include tax fields in the Bid List. Select the box to include a field with each commodity for entering sales and other taxes. |
Print Option | Determines whether the report will be limited to either Open or Listed bids. Listed bids are bids that have already been included in a Bid List report. Select: P - Print Open Bids - to limit the report to bids whose status is Open. |