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The Requisition Processing menu lists options for creating, processing, and printing requisitions. Requisitions allow individuals and departments to submit requests for supplies, equipment, and services, which then can be reviewed, approved, and converted into purchase orders or vendor bids.

Use this option to create and maintain requisitions. The option displays the Requisition Listing page, where you can search for and list existing requisitions. You can also display additional pages for adding new requisitions, copying previous requisitions, and changing existing requests.

Menu Path:  Purchasing > Entry & Processing > Requisition Processing > Requisitions

Requisition Pages

The Purchasing System provides three main pages for adding, copying, and updating requisitions:

Requisition Listing

Lets you search for, list, print, delete, and view summary information on requisitions. You also start the add, copy, and update processes in this page.

Requisition Information

Lets you update requisition and line item information. This page is also used to add requisitions, but under the title, New Requisition Information.

Copy Requisition

Lets you copy information from an existing requisition to create a new one.

In addition, the following pages are provided for working with requisitions:

Print RequisitionsLets you generate hard copies of either new or previously printed requisitions. For details, refer to Requisition Listing Page.
Requisition ApprovalLets you view a line item's approval status. For details, refer to Requisitions - Requisition Approval Page.
Vendor Order AddressesLets you select or create an alternate address for the requisition's recommended vendor. For details, refer to Vendor Order Addresses Page.
Vendor QuotesLets you enter quotes from the recommended vendor and other vendors. For details, refer to Vendor Quotes Page.
TaxesLets you adjust a line item's sales and use tax amounts. For details, refer to Taxes Page.
Charge Distribution TemplatesLets you apply distributions from a template, so you do not have to enter them individually. For details, refer to Requisitions - Charge Distribution Templates Page.
NotesLets you add notes to a requisition line item. For details, refer to Notes Page.
AttachmentsLets you add and view attachments for a selected requisition. For details, refer to Attachments Page.
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