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Base Employee Information Page

The Base Employee Information page is the first in the series of pages when setting up records for a new employee.


General Section

Contains identification information such as the employee's First and Last name, Employee ID, Social Security number, Birth date, and Previous Last name, if applicable. The section also includes the Load Applicant action button. 

Employment Tab

Fields for the current and prior hiring dates, as well as location information, such as the employee's department and base (security) location.

Address Tab

Fields for the employee's home and email addresses.

Menu Path

From the Human Resources menu, select Entry and Processing. From the Employee menu, select Employee Information.

On the Employee Information page, click Add New or select a pending employee to complete a pending record.

Load Applicant Information

Click the Load Applicant button on the Base Employee Information page. This page enables you to select an applicant from the Applicant Tracking System who has been given Hired status.

Click OK to list applicants with this status, select the applicant's record, and then click OK to load the applicant's data into the appropriate pages.

Complete the applicant's information as you would for any other new employee. Refer to Personnel Activity Tracker for more information on hiring applicants.

Attach Documents

The Base Employee Information page includes an Attachments button for uploading documents and attaching them to the employee's record.

General Fields

This is the first section when setting up a new record.

You must enter the employee ID number before advancing to other fields unless the ID is system-generated based on the Human Resources Profile.




Checkbox for entering records for more than one employee.

If selected, the series of pages repeats after you complete and save a record. If not selected, you return to the Employee Information search page. You cannot access this field until you enter the employee number.

Employee Number

Employee identification (ID) number. The default (0) is reserved for vacant positions and cannot be used.

If your Human Resources profile Auto Assign Employee checkbox is selected, the system assigns a sequential number as the Employee Number.

Social Security

Employee Social Security number. Hyphens are entered by the system. Later, if you use the Social Security number in a query, you must enter the hyphens to ensure a match.

Access to this field depends on your security resources.

Last Name

Employee last name.

First Name

Employee first name.

Middle Name

Employee middle name.


Employee name suffix, such as JR or SR, as defined in the Suffix table.


Employee birth date. This date is required for determining an employee's age in group life insurance calculations.

Previous Last Name

Former last name if the employee's legal name changed because of marriage or other reasons.

Preferred NameEmployee preferred name.

Release Information

A checkbox indicating whether the employee has consented to provide certain information to third parties, either internally or externally. If the field is selected, the information may be released.

User Login

Login ID if the employee is a user of the software. If the employee is not a system user, this field should contain the same identifying number as the Employee Number field. This field is used for Workflow.

Employment Fields

Three of the five fields in this tab are required. The Original Hire field is optional, but can still be used even if the two hiring dates are the same.



Hire Date

Start date of employment. The date you enter defaults to the Leave Anniversary field on the Leave Banks page and the Date In Class field on the Job Class History page.

Original Hire

Original start date for an employee who is being rehired. The hire date defaults to this field and may be used if the employee is being hired for the first time. You may enter another date if one applies.


Employee's assigned department, as defined in the Department table. If the Human Resources profile Employee Security Zone field is set to Department, the department code is used to facilitate user access to employee attendance, timecard entry, and the following pay-related data: Employee Deductions, Earnings by Pay Code, Check History, and Pay Rate History.

Supervisor Login

Login name of the employee's supervisor, as defined in Security's User table. Leave the field blank if the supervisor is not a system user. This field is for information purposes only.

Base Location

Employee's primary work location. These codes are defined in Security's Location Codes table in System Administration.

If the Human Resources profile Employee Security Zone field is set to Location, the base location code is used to facilitate user access to employee attendance, timecard entry, and the following pay-related data: Employee Deductions, Earnings by Pay Code, Check History, and Pay Rate History.

Address Fields

All fields in this tab are optional, but in most cases, they should be completed.



Address (Lines 1-2)

Two fields for the employee address, the first for the street name and number and the second for additional address information, such as a post office box or rural delivery number.


The city where the employee resides.


Standard two-character abbreviation for the state where the employee resides. The drop-down list includes abbreviations for all 50 states.

Zip Code

Five or nine-digit zip code. Enter the hyphen for a zip code extension, for example, 11235-8132.


Employee's Internet or intranet email address, which can be the same. This address sends direct deposit vouchers and Workflow notifications to the employee.

The format to follow depends on your procedures. The standard format for email addresses is username@domain.nam, for example, or Do not use spaces to separate elements.

Send E-Voucher

A checkbox indicating whether the employee should receive direct deposit pay vouchers via email. If the field is selected, a voucher will be sent to the email address in the previous field (Email), when a direct deposit is processed for the employee during a pay run.

Personal Email

Employee's personal email address, for example, For format information, refer to the description of the Email field.

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