Use the Calendar page during year-end processes to purge the following data:
Current, month-to-date, quarter-to-date, and year-to-date balances for earnings, taxes, and deductions and benefits
Cleared checks and related Check History records. These deletions apply to records up to and including the entered Date.
Optional: Terminated pay rate records for active employees
Menu path
From the Human Resources menu, select Periodic Routines. From the Year End menu, select Calendar.
Complete the following procedures before running the year-end Calendar option:
Copy W2 data to the W2 files, and then verify your W2 information.
Run all appropriate report options, including:
Payroll Reports:
Salary and Deduction Data
Check History
Outstanding Checks
Personnel Reports: Terminated Employees
It is recommended to run these reports again for comparative purposes after you complete the Calendar process.
Calendar year-end processing
Running the Calendar option affects the following records in the order shown:
Employees | Sets all gross earnings and tax fields to zero in the Earnings tab of each employee Employee Information page, except for the fiscal-to-date fields. For information, refer to Earnings Tab. |
Deductions | Resets Current, Month, Quarter, and Year fields to zero in the Accruals tab of employee Deductions pages. This does not affect Fiscal and Inception fields. For information, refer to Employee Deductions Page. |
Check Reconciliation File | Deletes all records in the Check Reconciliation File up to and including the entered purge Date. For information, refer to Check Reconciliation. |
Check History File | Deletes all checks up to and including the entered purge Date. For information, refer to Check History Page. |
Pay Rates | Purges terminated pay rate records for active employees. Pay rates for terminated employees remain until the employees themselves are purged. For information, refer to Pay Rate Information Pages. |
Pay Codes | Resets the YTD (year-to-date) fields to zero on employee Detailed Displays, Earnings By Pay Code pages. For information, refer to Earnings by Pay Code . |
The Calendar option purges Check History records based on the date entered in the Date field. As a safeguard against purging records in the Check History file, the default date is set to 12/31/1990, allowing you to save check records from 01/01/1991 onward. Set the date according to the number of years you want to purge. To prevent any records from being deleted, use a date that precedes the earliest check in your Check History file.
Clear the calendar year-end information
Enter the latest Date of the records you want to purge. All check history and check reconciliation records up to and including this date will be deleted.
If you want to purge terminated pay rates (Status = T - Terminated) for active employees, select Purge Terminated Pay Rates. Otherwise, leave blank.
Click Accept.
Review Process Messages as they appear.
A dialog message may appear if the Date entered is left at the default or changed to a date early enough to preserve check history, indicating that W2 work files do not exist for that year. Click Yes to continue the process.
After processing is complete, click OK.
To verify that pay code information has been set to zero, select Human Resources, Entry & Processing, Detailed Displays, and then Earnings by Pay Code.
To verify that the other data has been cleared, re-run the reports listed in the Prerequisites section.