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Database Procedures

Once your Human Resources Profile and the system's tables are set up, you can begin creating employee records. The procedures outlined in this section are used in adding staff members and changing records of existing employees.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Employee > Employee Information

Procedural Steps

  1. Use the Employee Information option to add records for new employees. The Employee Information search page's Add New item activates the Add Employee Wizard, which takes you through the following pages in sequence, depending on how your system is set up:

    Base Employee Information

    Employee identification data, basic employment information, and the employee's address.

    Personnel Information

    Demographic data, such as gender, seniority dates, years of service, and contact information.


    Employee's check location, special pay records, tax information, and other payroll data.

    Pay Rates

    Employee pay rate records.


    Deduction and benefit records.


    Previous earnings and taxes.


    Data for state reporting on retirement programs.

    Leave Banks

    Records for vacations, personal holidays, sick leave, and other forms of leave.

    Job Skills/ Other Interests

    Job-related skills and general interests.

    Job Class History

    History of the employee's job class assignments and salary increases.

    Degree Information

    Educational background, including degrees and graduation dates.


    Certifications and other credentials.


    Information on the employee's daily assignments.


    Employee's race, ethnicity and EEO race code for the EEO Data report.

    Requirement Linking

    Requirements for Highly Qualified Teachers.

    Credential Linking

    Credentials for Highly Qualified Teachers.

    Qualification Linking

    Qualifications for Highly Qualified Teachers.

    Employee Group Life Over 50K

    Information for calculating additional taxes on employer-paid life insurance coverage in excess of $50,000.


    Non-teaching licenses and other credentials.

    Continuing Education

    Records for courses employees are taking or have completed.

    User-Defined Windows

    Pages that have been set up for entering additional information on employees.

    Time Entry

    Information for using Time Entry, which allows employees to enter timecards.

    For information on these pages, refer to the individual topics in Add Employee Records. If you use Time Entry, also refer to Time Entry Administration.

  2. Use the Pending Employee Center to complete records for employees whose records were started in the wizard process but were not finished. You can access this page from the Employee Information search page by selecting an employee whose status is Add Pending.
  3. Use the tabs and action items in the Employee Information detail page for changing employee records.
  4. Use the Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Periodic Processing > Effective Date Changes options to enter and schedule additions and changes to an employee's records. The information that can be posted includes pay rates, deductions, benefits, tax information, personnel data, continuing education courses, and the employee's status.
    For information, refer to Periodic Processing - Effective Date Changes.
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