Department Table
Use this table to define departments for grouping employees for Time Entry's approval function. These records are also assigned to Time Entry supervisors so that they have access to the correct timecard data.
To generate a report listing the Department Code Setup page's records, select Print. The report's default file name is _t_dept.rpt
Time Entry departments are separate from those defined in the Payroll Department reference table. Payroll departments affect access to timecard data in the Pay Run Processing wizard but do not relate to Time Entry.
Menu Path
From the Human Resources menu, select Reference Tables. From the Time Entry menu, select Department.
Add Time Entry Departments
Select Add New.
In the Time Entry Department Information section, complete the fields.
Select OK. If you selected the Use Sub-Departments checkbox, proceed to the next step. Otherwise, the record is saved without sub-departments.
In the Sub-Department Setup section:
Select Lookup if needed to display the Department Code Search page. Otherwise, enter a department code and skip to the next step.
Enter criteria, and then select Find.
Select a department, and then select OK.
Press <Tab> to display another Dept. Code field.
If the department you selected includes sub-departments, the Add Sub-Departments dialog displays:
Select Yes to add the sub-departments along with the department you selected.
Select No to add the selected department but not its sub-departments.
To add another sub-department, press <Tab> and enter another department code. Otherwise, select OK.
Use sub-departments to group departments that are approved by the same supervisor.
Time Entry Department Information
Field | Description |
Department Code | Enter a code to identify the Time Entry department. A department defines a group of employees for timecard approval and posting. Assign department codes to employees in the Add Employee process or on the Time Entry Employee Information page. Character/8 |
Department Description | Enter a description of the Time Entry department. Character/35 |
Department Max (Maximum) App (Approval) Level | Determines the maximum number of approval levels that can be assigned to and used by this department's supervisors for Time Entry approval. Select the highest level of approval you want to use for this Time Entry department, 1 being the lowest, and 9 the highest. For instance, if you select 5 - 5 Levels, then only five levels of timecard approval can apply to this department. For more information on Time Entry approval setup, refer to the following sections: |
Use Sub-Departments | Determines whether sub-departments can be added to the department in the Sub-Department Setup tab. Select the checkbox if you want to add sub-departments. When a department that includes sub-departments is added to a new Department record, a message appears to ask whether you want to add just the department or the department and its sub-departments to the new record. |
Sub-Department Setup
Use this tab to tie multiple Time Entry departments to a single department record. Using sub-departments, a Time Entry supervisor can review and approve timecards for employees in multiple Time Entry departments. Also, payroll staff can post Time Entry timecards for a group of sub-departments by selecting their department code.
Select Use Sub-Departments for the record you are adding or changing to open Sub-Department Setup.
To delete a sub-department entry, select the sub-department, and then from the Action Bar select Delete Row.
Field | Description |
Dept (Department) Code | Enter a code to designate a department as a sub-department of the department being added or changed. |
Department Description | The description of the Time Entry department populates based on the code you enter. Display-only. |