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Import Personnel Activity data

Use the File Import and Data Selection - Import Personnel Activity Tracker page to load personnel activity records. The import file is in XML, EXML, CSV, TXT, or UNL format and stored on your computer or network server.

The CRDC installation predetermines the CRDC Situation Types. This data overrides anything calculated for an employee. If you already have a source for CRDC data, continue using it and upload it to Activity Tracker for reporting.

Use the Import Wizard

The Import option launches the import wizard that will take you step by step through:

  • Loading the file.

  • Mapping the columns on the file to the fields in the database table.

  • Mapping static columns required by the Import option, but not defined in the file.

  • Saving the mapping that was created to be used for future file imports.

  • Generating a list of warnings and error messages found during the data validation.

Import file requirements

Your ability to import a file depends on the following:

  • The data in the file's fields must comply with the field requirements in TEA Staff Responsibilities records. For example, the system cannot import the file if a field requires numeric data and the import file contains characters.

  • The import file must be in XML Spreadsheet 2003, Comma Separated (CSV), Tab-Delimited (TXT), or Pipe[1]Delimited ("I") format.

  • The import file's extension must be *.xml, *.exml, *.csv,*.txt, or *.unl.

  • You must have the appropriate security resource to access the Import item.

Create the import file

For information about the recommended import file layout and data mapping, refer to Personnel Activity Tracker—File Layout and Data Mapping.

Import file

  1. On the Personnel Activity Tracker page, select Import.

  2. To locate the file you want to import from your computer or network, select Click to upload a file beside the File to Import field.

  3. Select the file, and select Open to display the path and file name in the File to Import field.

  4. Select Load.

  5. In the Import File Data section, select the line to use for Column Titles and select Set Column Titles. The selected data appears in the section's column headings.
    If you selected the incorrect line, select Reset Column Titles to reinstate it in the list, then repeat the step with the correct line selected.

  6. Once the column titles are set, select the lines to import from the file.

    • To select a range of lines, hold down the Shift key, select the first line in the range, and then select the last line.

    • To select multiple lines individually, hold down the Ctrl key and select each line.

    • To select all lines, select Select All.

  7. After selecting the lines, select Next.

  8. On the Define Column Mapping page:
    Select a mapping in the Saved Import Mapping field.
    Tab into the Table Field column for the first Import File Column, and select the file column from the database table to map to the column listed in the Import File Column field on the left. Refer to Personnel Activity Tracker - File Layout and Data Mapping for information about column data mapping.
    The Field Description column defaults to the column's user-friendly name and cannot be changed. Map the remaining fields accordingly.

  9. Select Next.

    • If the data in the file does not meet the requirements of the database table, the Import Errors page will display. You cannot proceed until either the file or the mapping is corrected.

    • If there are no errors but some required fields from the database are not mapped, the Static Column Value Mapping page displays. Complete Steps 10-11.

    • If there are no errors and all required fields are mapped, proceed to Step 12.

  10. On the Static Column Value Mapping page, the required fields from the database table that were not mapped on the Define Column Mapping page will display. Add values as needed. To add other fields that have not been mapped, select Append Row.

  11. Once the static mapping is complete, select Next.

  12. On the Save Import Mapping page, enter a unique name to identify the mapping, and then:

    1. In the Mapping Name field, enter a unique mapping name. The Owner field displays the user name of the person importing the file. You cannot update this field.

    2. You can select the Public option to allow others to use the mapping file or the Restricted option to prevent others from changing it.

    3. Select the required Save Options:

      • Select Create new mapping to create a new mapping file under the name assigned.

      • Select Update existing mapping to save changes to an existing mapping file. This option is unavailable when creating a new mapping file or when changing the file is restricted.

      • Select Do not save mapping only to use the mapping for the current file.

      The ability to add and update an import mapping on the Save Import Mapping page depends on the assigned security resources.

  13. Select Finish to exit the Import wizard.

  14. From the Confirmation box, select one of the following:

    • Select Update/Add to update staff responsibilities records. Existing records are updated if they match the import file. Otherwise, the record from the import file is added.

    • Select Replace to replace staff responsibilities records. This option requires a complete staff import file.

    • Select Cancel to abort the import.

  15. After the file is imported, the Import Status page displays if any errors or warnings are encountered during data validation. The page lists the errors and warning messages.

    • From the Display Results field, select one of the following:

      • Warnings Only

      • Errors Only

      • Warnings/Errors Only

      • Show All

    • The Line # column lists the line numbers in the import file to find the data requiring correction.

    • The Summary Information section displays the number of Errors, Warnings, and Successes. At this point, you can:

      • Select Print to print the listing of errors.

      • Select Import on the Action Bar to import any successes. If there are no successes, this item will not display.

      • Select Back to exit, correct the file, and re-run the import procedure.

  16. If there are no errors or you selected the Import option in the last step, a Confirmation box will display. Select Yes to import the file and generate a final Confirmation. Select OK.

Field descriptions

The import wizard consists of the following pages:

File Import And Data Selection page

Use this page to initiate the Import wizard and select the file and records to import.

The following table describes the fields on the File Import And Data Selection page.



File to Import

Location and name of the file on your computer or network server.

Line #

Identifies the line in the file to be imported.

Column 1 - Column 100

Identifies the column headings for the import file.

Define Column Mapping page

Use this page to map the columns in the file to be imported with the fields in the database table.

The following table describes the fields on the Define Column Mapping page.



Saved Import Mapping

Lists the mapping you created or mappings set to public.

After a saved mapping is selected, the table field mapping defaults to the Column Mapping section of the page.

Import File Column

Lists the Column Titles set on the File to Import Data Selection page.

Table Field

Lists the table and field names from the database table.

Select the field you want to map to the Import File Column.

Field Description

The user-friendly name for the value in the Table Field column.

This field is display-only.

Import Errors page

Use this page to view a list of errors when the data in the file does not match the fields' requirements in the database table.

The following table describes the fields on the Import Errors page.



Line #

Identifies the line in the file to be imported.

Import File Column

Lists the Column Titles set on the File to Import Data Selection page.

Table Field

Lists the table and field names from the database table.


Displays the data in the field generating the error.

Error Message

Error message explaining why the value does not meet the database's requirements.

Static Column Mapping page

Use this page to statically map required fields in the database table to a value. The values apply to all lines of the imported file.

The following table describes the fields on the Static Column Mapping page.



Table Field

Lists the table and field names from the database table that have not been mapped on the Define Column Mapping page.

Required fields will default in this field. Non-required fields can be added by selecting Append Row.

Field Description

The user-friendly name for the value in the Table Field column.

This field is display-only.


Displays the value used for all rows in the import file.

Save Import Mapping page

Use this page to save the mapping and enter related settings.

The following table describes the fields on the Save Import Mapping page.



Mapping Name

Accepts a unique name for identifying the mapping.

The limit is 38 characters.


Identifies the user who created the mapping.

When a user updates the mapping, the user's ID, date, and time are displayed beside this field.

This field is display-only.


Indicates whether all users can access the mapping.

The mapping will appear in the Saved Import Mapping field of the Define Column Mapping page.

If this option is not selected, only the owner can access the mapping.


Indicates whether all users except the owner are prevented from updating the mapping.

If this option is not selected, all users can update the mapping.

Save Options

Indicates how the mapping should be saved.


  • Create new mapping
    Creates a new mapping file under the name assigned.

  • Update existing mapping
    Saves changes to an existing mapping file. It is not available when creating a new mapping file, or changing it is restricted.

  • Do not save mapping
    Only use the mapping for the current import file.

Import Status page

Use this page to view errors and warning messages generated while validating the import's data.

The following table describes the fields on the Import Status page.



Number of Errors

Displays the count of errors found during validation that will prevent the data from being imported.

This field is display-only.

Number of Warnings

Displays the count of warnings found during the data validation. Warnings will not prevent the data from being imported.

This field is display-only.

The Number of Successes field displays the count of successes found during the data validation.

This field is display-only.

Display Results

Allows you to specify the records to display in the page's list and the Import Status report.


  • Show Errors Only
    Only shows the errors preventing lines from being imported.

  • Show Warnings Only
    Only shows the warning messages.

  • Show Errors/Warnings Only (default)
    Shows errors and warning messages.

  • Show All
    Shows errors, warning messages, and successes.


Displays symbols for identifying warnings, errors, and successes.

Line #

Identifies the lines in the file to be imported.


Displays the errors and warning messages generated during data validation.

Also displays successes if Show All is selected in the Display Results section.

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