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Ongoing Procedures

After you complete the setup procedures, you can begin using the Position Control System to track occupancy, assign additional rates, maintain position records, and monitor personnel costs. These and other functions tied to Position Control also interact with processes in Human Resources, Personnel Budgeting, and Fund Accounting.

Following is a brief outline of the position related procedures used on an ongoing basis in Position Control and other PowerSchool ERP Systems.

  1. Create and update positions in Position Control's Position table to accommodate changes in your staffing needs.

  2. Create positions in Position Control's Batch Position table, and then post them to your live Position table.

  3. Mass update the requirements, qualifications, and certifications associated with any positions for Highly Qualified Teacher tracking.

  4. Assign positions to the pay rates of new and existing employees using the Employee Information option in Human Resources.

  5. Assign positions to employees' pay rates using Position Control's Batch Position Control option, and then post the rates to your Human Resources database.

  6. Assign and update positions in pay rates using Human Resources' Employee Information option.

  7. Vacate positions assigned to employees using the Terminate option in Human Resources' Employee Information page.

  8. Review, update, and print Position History records in Position Control.

  9. Delete Position History records using Position Control's Purge Position History option.

  10. Generate the following reports using the options on the Position Control Reports menu:

    • Batch Position Status Summary

    • Batch Position Status Detail

    • Position Status Detail

    • Position Status Summary

    • Position Budget Tracking

    • Vacant Position

  11. Run the Payroll Encumbrance option during pay runs in Human Resources to update the Projected field in position records.

  12. Use Human Resources' Fiscal Year End Processing option to zero out the Budget, Actual, and Projected fields in position records prior to running the first payroll in a new fiscal year.

  13. Use Personnel Budgeting's Position Control option to update the Budget field in position records.

  14. Use Personnel Budgeting's Post to Position Control option to post fulltime equivalency values to vacant positions and apply changes made to the positions' distribution charging.

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