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Posting Requisition Page

Use this page to add new job postings and edit existing postings. You can also create new postings by copying existing postings in the Posting Requisition Overview page and editing its information in the Posting Requisition page. After creating a posting, the hiring manager will submit it for approval.

For related information on job postings and applications, refer to Application Question Setup Page and Posting Requisition Overview Page.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Recruitment > Posting Requisition Overview > display the Posting Requisition page as follows, depending on the function:

  • To start a new posting, click New. The button displays at the bottom right of the Posting Requisition Overview page, below the list of job postings.
  • To copy an existing job posting to create a new one, select the posting, and then click the Copy icon in the Copy column.
  • To edit a posting, click the Pencil icon in the Edit column of the posting you wish to edit.

Following are the procedures for adding, copying, editing, and deleting a job posting, from the perspective of the hiring manager submitting the job posting.

Adding new job postings

  1. Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Recruitment > Posting Requisition Overview to display the Posting Requisition Overview page.

  2. To display the Posting Requisition page, click New.

  3. Complete the fields in the Job Posting For and Budget Distribution sections. For descriptions, refer to the Fields section below.

  4. If you are using Position Control and enter more positions than the number of FTE's allowed for the job class selected, you may have to initiate a position transfer request. The Budget Transfer request section will display if the Show Position Transfer Request checkbox is selected on the Posting Requisition Setup page.
    Select the Position Type and then the associated Job Class and Position. Click Add Transfer to populate the List section. In the section's FTE to Transfer field, enter the number of FTE's to transfer. You can do multiple transfers if needed.

  5. Depending on the position type selected, the Posting Specific Questions section displays.
    In this section, you can select a Core Area to add to the job posting, and then Certification to display the Certificate Area(s) window to view information on the certifications required to qualify for the position. Click the Add New icon to add a blank line to enter another core area.

  6. If you have selected a position type associated with questions from the Question Bank, you can select from the list of available questions to add to the job posting.
    PowerSchool-defined questions associated with the position type will automatically appear on the job posting. These questions are predefined fields, for example, for entering the applicant's education or employment history.

  7. Click Save to save the job posting.
  8. After you save the job posting, you can attach a job description document using the Upload button at the top of the page.
  9. Click Submit to route the job posting for approval.

Copying an existing posting to create a new one

  1. Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Recruitment > Posting Requisition Overview to display the Posting Requisition Overview page.
  2. In the Posting Requisition Overview page, click the Copy icon in the Copy column for a job posting. The Copy Posting window displays.
    The window explains that fields in posting being copied can be edited and that you will have to enter the Posting Date, Closing Date, and Tentative Start date (optional). If the original posting had a Core Area and Question Bank questions, you will need to select them as needed for the new posting.
  3. If you select the Copy Documents checkbox, all documents uploaded for the job posting will be copied when the new posting is saved. If you do not want to copy uploaded documents, leave the box blank.
  4. Click Copy to display a Posting Requisition page, which defaults the information from the selected job posting.
  5. As needed, update the fields, and enter the Posting Date and Closing Date. You may also enter a Tentative Start date.
  6. Click Save or Submit, following the procedures for adding a job posting.

Editing an existing posting

  1. Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Recruitment > Posting Requisition Overview to display the Posting Requisition Overview page.
  2. Click the Pencil icon in the Edit column of the posting you wish to edit. The Posting Requisition page displays.
  3. The status of the job posting determines the fields that you can edit:
    • If the status is New, you will be able to edit all of the posting's fields.
    • If the status is Request, only the Choose Location, Position Title, and Internal Comment fields can be edited.
    • For all other statuses, only the Choose Location and Internal Comment fields can be edited.
      If you add or edit information in the Internal Comment field, that change will appear in the History section of the job posting with the date, user's name, and description of the change made.
  4. Click Save to save you updates.
  5. If the status is New, click Submit to submit the job posting.


Job Posting For Section



Choose Location

Code identifying the location of the job posting's position, as defined in Personnel's Locations table in Human Resources.


Identifies the user who is creating the job posting. The system will fill in the user creating the job posting when it is saved.

Hiring Manager

Hiring manager assigned to the job posting.


Status of the job posting. When a position is added, the system assigns the status New, which cannot be changed.


Enables you to upload a job description document that will be available to applicants. The job posting must be saved before you can upload a job description.

Job Posting For

Radio button identifying whether the job posting is for a new or existing position.


Existing PositionIndicates the job posting is for an existing position. When selected, you will be able to select an employee pay rate in the Replacing column to default in the information for the existing position.
New PositionIndicates the job posting is for a new position. This option will display if the Allow Request for New Position checkbox is selected on the Posting Requisition Setup page. For details, refer to Posting Requisition Setup.
Pooled PositionIndicates the job posting is for a pooled position. This option will display if the Allow Request for Pooled Position checkbox is selected on the Posting Requisition Setup page. For details, refer to Posting Requisition Setup.

Number of Positions

Identifies the number of positions to be filled with the job posting. One job posting can be used for up to 20 positions.

If the job posting you are adding is for an existing position, the number you select will display a corresponding number of rows for entering reasons for the job posting, the employees being replaced, and comments.


Available only when the Existing Position radio button is selected. Identifies the reason for the job posting. This field is used for tracking information only.




Available only when the Existing Position radio button is selected. Enter the employee ID of the staff member being replaced.

Click the Search icon to display the Employee Lookup page, and then enter criteria in the Name and Number fields as needed to display employees, and then select the employee being replaced and their pay code. Information from the pay rate will default into the appropriate fields, if the employee number is entered on the first row of the reason and the Position Type, Job Class, and Position fields are blank.


If you manually enter the employee number, the primary pate rate information for the employee will default into the fields. If you need to select secondary pay rate information, use the Employee Lookup page.

Reason Comment

Available only when the Existing Position radio button is selected. Any additional comments on the reason for replacing the employee selected.

Fiscal Year

Fiscal year associated with the job posting. This can be either the current or next fiscal year.

Position Type

Code identifying the position type associated with the job class, as defined in Payroll's Position Types table. Based on the selection, the Job Class field options will populate with the job classes associated with the position type. Select a job class from this drop-down.

Job Class

Job class assigned to the position, as defined in Payroll's Job Class table.


Position assigned to the job class, as defined in the Position Control table. This field only applies if you are using Position Control and the selected job class is under Position Control. In this case, you must click the Search icon to display the Position Control Lookup page and select a position.

Position Title

Title of the job posting's position.

Base Location

Code identifying the primary work location associated with position, as defined in Security's Location Codes table.


Code identifying the department associated with the position, as defined in Payroll's Departments table.

Publish Type

Determines the type of applicants who can see the job posting.


Internal/ExternalBoth internal and external applicants can view and apply for the job posting.
ExternalOnly external applicants and applicants classified as external employees can view and apply for the job posting. An external applicant is an applicant not on record with your organization, who will access Recruitment through the Portal.
InternalOnly internal applicants can view and apply for the job posting. An internal applicant is an employee of your organization who can access the Recruitment Portal through Employee Access Center (EAC).

Note: This field is not available for customers using Integration.

Shift Type

Select the appropriate shift type for the job posting:

  • Part-time
  • Full-time
  • Substitute

Note: This field is available only for customers using Integration.

Employee FTE

Full-time equivalency value (full time = 100% = 1.000000) for the position. If the position is part-time, enter the percentage of time spent in the position, expressed as a decimal (50% = 0.500000). You cannot enter a number less than 0 or greater than 1.

Days Per Year

Number of work days in a year for the position.

Hours Per Day

Number of work hours in a day for the position.

Pays Per Year

Amount of pays in the year for the position.

Note: This field is not available for customers using Integration.

Months Per Year

Amount of months for pays in the year for the position.

Note: This field is available only for customers using Integration.

Salary From

Beginning of the salary range. If you enter a Salary From amount, you must enter an amount in the Salary To field as well.

Salary To

End of the salary range. If you enter a Salary To amount, you must enter an amount in the Salary From field as well.

Posting Date

Date when the job posting will be made available to applicants on the Recruitment Portal.

Closing Date

Last date that applicants can apply for the position.

Open Until Filled

Checkbox indicating the position is to remain open and available for applicants to apply until the last position on the job posting has been filled. If the box is selected, the job posting will show “Open Until Filled” in the Open Until field on the Recruitment Portal.

Tentative Start

Estimated starting date for the position. If you leave this field blank, the job posting will display the message "To Be Determined" next to the Expected Start field on the Recruitment Portal.

Portal Comment

A description of the job posting, to be seen by the applicants on the Portal. Character/4000

Note: This field is not available for customers using Integration.

Job Description

A description of the job posting, to be seen by the applicants on the Portal. Character/4000

Note: This field is available only for customers using Integration.

Internal Comment

Any comment on the job posting, to be seen by the hiring manager on the Posting Requisition Overview page or by Human Resources on the Posting Overview page. Character/4000

Note: This field is not available for customers using Integration.

Budget Distribution Section



Use default position funding

Radio button selected when the job class you have chosen is operating under Position Control. Display only.

Enter alternate funding request

Radio button selected when the job class you have chosen is not operating under Position Control. Display only.


System-assigned sequential number for the distribution.

Low organization used for distributing the gross salaries paid under this job posting, as defined in Fund Accounting's Organization Chart. As indicated by the asterisks, the title of the Budget Unit field is defined in the Human Resources Profile. If your Fund Accounting Profile allows translating the full expenditure account number into budget unit and account codes, the Full Account field displays in place of the Budget Unit and Account fields. Use the Disable Full Account View button to see the separate Budget Unit and Account.


Number identifying the account that should be used to distribute salary costs for this job posting. Accounts are defined in Fund Accounting's Account List. The combination of the entries in the Budget Unit and Account fields must exist in Fund Accounting's Expenditure Ledger.


Percentage of the job posting's gross wages to be distributed to the Budget Unit/Account. Enter the percentage as a decimal. The entries in this column must equal 100 percent.


System-assigned sequential number for the distribution.

Code identifying the low project organization to use for distributing the job posting's gross salary in Fund Accounting. If you do not use project accounting, leave the fields in this section blank. As indicated by the asterisks, the title of the Project is defined by the Human Resources profile.


Number identifying the account associated with the project, as define in Fund Accounting's Account List. The combination of the entries in the Project and Account fields must exist in Fund Accounting's Project Ledger.


Percentage of the job posting's gross wages to be distributed to the Project/Account. Enter the percentage as a decimal. The entries in this column must equal 100 percent. Posting Specific Questions Section

Posting Specific Questions Section



Core Areas

Core areas are used to determine if an applicant has the required certificates to be considered qualified for the position. These options are defined in Personnel's Certification Areas table in Human Resources.

This section displays if the Show Core Area Selected for Certified Position Types checkbox is selected in the Posting Requisition Setup page, and the position type is flagged as a certified position.


Available once a core area has been selected, this button will display a Certificate Area(s) page which displays information regarding the certificate area required for the core area.

Available Questions

The questions in this section are user-defined Question Bank questions that have been associated with the selection in the Position Type field. You can include a questions on the application by selecting the checkbox next to its name.

This section displays if the Show Question Bank Questions checkbox is selected on the Posting Requisition Setup page, and Question Bank questions have been associated with the position type on the Application Questions Setup page.

History Section

Once the job posting has been submitted, this section will list when the posting was submitted, when it was approved, and any changes to the Internal Comment field.




Date when a change was made to the job posting.


Type of change made to the job posting. If the posting was submitted or approved, the activity will be Request. If a change was made to the Internal Comment field, the activity will be Posted.


User who submitted the posting or made a change to the Internal Comment field.

Description Or Comments

Additional information regarding the change to the job posting. If the change was made to the Internal Comment field, the text in the field will be listed here.

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