Fund Accounting Profile Page
Use this page to establish the following parameters for using the PowerSchool ERP Fund Accounting System and related modules: account ranges, control accounts, financial and project reporting structures, auto-assigned numbering options, available system modules, and settings for accounts payable, requisition, purchase order, and vendor check records.
Using the page's action items, you can set up the format for entering ledger account information if your organization uses a full account mask. You also can, define formatting to apply when printing detail reports and create user-defined pages to supplement your Project and Vendor records.
Menu Path: System Administration > Administration > Profiles > Fund Accounting Profile
Section and Tabs
Following is a summary of the Fund Accounting Profile's main sections and tabs:
General Section | Contains settings for transaction date, fiscal year, fiscal year start date, fiscal year end date, and fiscal year period. This section also lets you define information to include in your report headers. For details, refer to the Fields section below. |
Funds/Accounts Tab | Contains fields for defining control accounts, disbursement and payroll funds, and account ranges. For details, refer to Funds/Accounts Tab. |
Titles Tab | Lets you set up number of levels to use for your financial and project reporting structures. You also define the title for each reporting level in your Organization Chart. For details, refer to Titles Tab. |
System Options Tab | Determines the system modules you have installed, options for numbering journal entries, vendor records, and budget transfers, and settings for ledger accounts. For details, refer to System Options Tab. |
Accounts Payable Tab | Lets you define parameters for accounts payable entry, including overpayment and approval processing settings. You can also define the cash account for batch payables from payroll and printing and formatting settings for vendor checks. For details, refer to Accounts Payable Tab. |
Requisitions/PO's Tab | Contains fields for setting up requisition and purchase order numbering, establishing approval parameters, and selecting several other purchase order settings. For details, refer to Requisitions/PO's Tab. |
Action Bar Items
The Fund Accounting Profile page's Action Bar displays the following items.
Translation | Lets you define formatting for ledger account codes if you use a full account mask to encode these records when recording financial transactions. For details, refer to Translation Item. |
State Window | Lets you set up your system to print your detail reports with sorting, totals, and page breaks based on specific levels in your financial reporting structure. Options are also available to base format rules on project levels. For details, refer to State Window Item. |
Project Windows | Lets you create user-defined pages for tracking project-related information beyond the fields available in the Project List. For details, refer to Project Windows Item. |
Vendor Windows | Lets you create pages for tracking vendor-related information beyond those available in the Vendor List. For details, refer to Vendor Windows Item. |
Following are descriptions for the fields in the Fund Accounting Profile page's General section:
Field | Description |
Transaction Date | Current date, which is included in all transaction records generated. Most systems update this field automatically each day using a cron job. |
Period | Current fiscal year period, which is included by default in transaction records generated. If January begins your fiscal year, then January equals 1, February equals 2, etc. If July begins your fiscal year, then July equals 1, August equals 2, and so forth. There is a maximum of 13 periods.
Year | Current fiscal year, which is included in all transaction records generated. If you are in fiscal year 2017-2018, you would select 2018 in this field. The year is updated when the Update Ledgers option is run in Fund Accounting’s Fiscal Year End Processing center. |
Fiscal Year Start | Start date of the current fiscal year. If January begins your fiscal year and your current fiscal year is 2017, then enter 01/01/2017. If July begins your fiscal year and your current fiscal year is 2017-2018, then enter 07/01/2017. This field is updated when the Update Ledgers option is run in Fund Accounting’s Fiscal Year End Processing center. |
Fiscal Year End | End date of the current fiscal year. If December ends your fiscal year and your current fiscal year is 2018, then enter 12/31/2018. If June ends your fiscal year and your current fiscal year is 2018-2019, then enter 06/30/2019. The year is updated when the Update Ledgers option is run in Fund Accounting’s Fiscal Year End Processing center. |
Client | Your organization’s name as you would like it to appear in pages and report headers. Character/40 |
System | Name of the system. Character/40 |
Company | Software vendor that supplied this package. Character/40 |