Change Assignments
Use this page to enter, change, and monitor assignments performed by the employees.
The software accesses this data while generating the EEO-5 reports about school districts. The page is also helpful in tracking the employee assignments in municipal governments.
Menu Path
From the Human Resources menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Employee menu, select Employee Information. On the Employee Information page, search for and select an employee record. On the Action bar, select Personnel Information, and select Assignments.
Page Sections
The Assignments page includes the following sections:
Section | Description |
Assignment Information | Record assignments as needed, including the percentage of time the employee spends on each, the day periods, and the locations. You can designate an assignment as Primary. This section applies to both school districts and municipal governments. |
Additional Information | Link the assignment to a Job Class, Position, and Highly Qualified Teacher Area and Reason. Select a Number of Classes. This section applies only to school districts. |
Grade Level | Indicate the grade levels that apply to an assignment. This section applies only to school districts. |
Field Descriptions
Assignment Information
The first field in this section, Assignment, is required. The remaining fields are optional. This section applies to school districts and municipal governments.
Field | Description |
Assignment | Code identifying an assignment, as defined in the Assignment Code table.
Percent | Percentage of time spent on the assignment. Use decimal numbers for percentages. For example, 25% should be entered as .25 and 100% as 1.00. The column's total does not have to equal 100%. |
Period | Day period that applies to the assignment. You can use a whole number up to 99 or a decimal number up to .9, but you cannot use whole and decimal numbers together. For example, you cannot enter 1.5.
Location | Code identifying the work location associated with the assignment, as defined in the Location table. In the EEO-5 reports required of school districts, if an employee has no assignments entered, the report still lists a location for the employee. In this case, the system accesses the code entered in the Location field of the employee Personnel Information page. |
Primary Assignment | Checkbox indicating that the current Assignment record is the employee's primary assignment. Select the checkbox if this is the primary assignment. Otherwise, leave it blank. Only one assignment can be designated as primary. |
Additional Information
All of the fields in this section are optional. This section applies only to school districts that use it for Highly Qualified Teacher reporting.
Field | Description |
Job Class | Code identifying a job class. The values in the drop-down list are retrieved from the Job Class table. |
Position | Code or title identifying a position. This field is not linked to Position Control. The limit is 12 characters. |
Highly Qualified Area | Code identifying a qualification. The values in the drop-down list are retrieved from the Qualification Code table. Select from the field’s drop-down list, which includes all records in this table. |
Highly Qualified Reason | Code identifying qualification criteria. The values in the drop-down list are retrieved from the Qualification Methods table. Select from the field’s drop-down list, which includes all records in this table. |
Number of Classes | A number of classes taught by the employee under the current assignment. Select 0-9 from the drop-down list. |
Grade Level
This section applies only to school districts.
Field | Description |
Grade Level | Checkboxes indicating the grade levels that apply to the assignment. Select the appropriate boxes from Pre-Kindergarten through 12th Grade. |
SIF Information
Field | Description |
Job Classification | Code identifying the SIF Job Classification. The limit is four characters. |
Program Type | Code identifying the SIF Program Type. The limit is four characters. |
Funding Source | Code identifying the SIF Funding Source. The limit is four characters. |