Maintain Location Information
Use the Maintain Location Information page to record building totals for staff and expenditures for the Civil Rights Data Collection.
Menu path
From the Human Resources menu, select Periodic Routines. From the Periodic Processing menu, select Civil Rights Data Collection. From the Employee or Location Processing menu, select Maintain Location Information.
Selection rules
Employees meeting the following criteria are selected and reported.
On the Activity page, the following valid field values are present:
Field | Valid Values |
Situation Type | CRDC |
POSITION FTE | Greater than 0 |
SAL W/ FEDERAL | Greater than 0 |
Received paychecks during the CRDC Reporting School Year on the Civil Rights Data Collection - District Configuration page.
If the employee does not have a record on the Personnel Activity Tracker page, the Check History and detdist (Detail Distribution) tables are queried for the location being reported between the Fiscal Year Start Date and Fiscal Year End Date on the CRDC - District Configuration page. This process uses the detdist data in conjunction with the Organization Chart details for the CRDC Reporting School Year on the CRDC - District Configuration page.
Load data
Use the Load option to load the location information for the Civil Rights Data Collection based on employee distributions for the Fiscal Year Start Date and Fiscal Year End Date field values on the Civil Rights Data Collection - District Configuration page.
On the Maintain Location Information page, select Load.
The CRDC Reporting School Year is retrieved from the Civil Rights Data Collection - District Configuration page.Select the source from which the 10-Day Absence is calculated:
Leave Banks
Leave History
The 10-Day Absence field is only available in 2018, 2022, or later.
Select a Location to load or leave blank to include all locations. Loading multiple locations at once may be demanding on your servers.
Select Accept and then select a Destination:
Select File to create the report in .rpt format. In the File Name field, you can change the default file name.
Select Screen to download the report in .pdf format.
Select Excel to download the report in .xls format. Select the required Excel Options.
Select OK.
Download the .rpt file from the View Files page.
Save the .pdf or .xls file.
Select OK.
Maintain data
On the Civil Rights Data Collection - Maintain Location Information page, enter the Search Criteria to find the required records and select Search.
Refer to Search for Records for more information.To add a record, select Add new. Refer to the Field descriptions, enter valid information, and select Accept.
To edit a record, select the record and select Accept. Update the information and select Accept.
To delete a record, select the record and select Accept. Select Yes.
Field descriptions
General fields
The following table describes the general fields on the Civil Rights Data Collection - Maintain Location Information page.
Field | Description |
CRDC Reporting School Year | The CRDC reporting year. The value is retrieved from the CRDC Reporting School Year field on the Civil Rights Data Collection - District Configuration page. The tabs and fields displayed on the Civil Rights Data Collection - Maintain Location Information page depend on the CRDC Reporting School Year field value. |
Location | The CRDC location. |
NCES School ID | The NCES code for the district building. The value is retrieved from the NCES School ID field on the CRDC tab of the Location Table page. |
Freeze | Indicate whether to freeze the location record. This will prevent the record from being reloaded and deleted in future loads. |
Depending on the CRDC Reporting School Year field value, the Civil Rights Data Collection - Maintain Location Information page displays the following tabs:
Staff FTE tab - all years
Expenditure tab - 2018
Teacher Totals tab - 2018, 2022, 2024
Staff FTE tab
The Staff FTE tab is displayed for all CRDC Reporting School Years.
The sections and fields displayed depend on the CRDC Reporting School Year field value.
Depending on the CRDC Reporting School Year field value, the Staff FTE tab displays the following sections:
Teachers section - all years
By Area section - 2022, 2024
Other Positions section - all years
Unless otherwise specified, the field limits are up to six digits, with up to two digits following a decimal. The values will round if a third digit is entered after the decimal.
Teachers section
The Teachers section is displayed for all CRDC Reporting School Years.
The fields displayed depend on the CRDC Reporting School Year field value.
The following table describes the fields in the Teachers section of the Staff FTE tab.
Field | Description | CRDC Reporting School Years |
FTE Total Teachers | The total amount of FTE teachers with the CRDC POSITION field value TEACH in the Activity Information section of the Activity page. Available for all reporting periods. |
FTE Certified Teachers | The total amount of certified FTE teachers with certifications that have not expired or are on the exclusion list. Available for all reporting periods. |
FTE Non-Certified Teachers | The total amount of FTE teachers who do not have certification, whose certification is expired or on the exclusion list. Available for all reporting periods. |
FTE First-Year Teachers | The total amount of first-year FTE teachers. |
FTE Second-Year Teachers | The total amount of second-year FTE teachers. |
FTE Teachers With 10-Day or More Absences | The total number of teachers under the CRDC position TEACH who have ten or more days of absence from the classroom. |
By Area section
The By Area section is displayed only for CRDC Reporting School Years 2022 and 2024.
These fields are calculated in the load process based on whether the teacher has a valid certification under the appropriate CRDC Specialized Area if the reporting year is 2022 or 2024. The fields allow manual entry for district record-keeping.
The following table describes the fields in the By Area section of the Staff FTE tab.
Field | Description |
FTE Mathematics Teachers | The total amount of FTE teachers for mathematics. |
FTE Science Teachers | The total amount of FTE teachers for science. |
FTE English as a Second Language (ESL) Teachers | The total amount of FTE teachers for ESL. |
FTE Special Education Teachers | The total amount of FTE teachers for Special education. |
Other Positions section
The Other Positions section is displayed for all CRDC Reporting School Years.
The following table describes the fields in the Other Positions section of the Staff FTE tab.
Field | Description |
FTE School Counselors | The total amount of FTE counselors with the CRDC POSITION field value COUNS in the Activity Information section of the Activity page. |
FTE Sworn Law Officers | The total amount of FTE sworn law officers with the CRDC POSITION field value SWORN in the Activity Information section of the Activity page. |
FTE Security Guards | The total amount of FTE security guards with the CRDC POSITION field value GUARD in the Activity Information section of the Activity page. |
FTE Nurses | The total amount of FTE nurses with the CRDC POSITION field value NURSE in the Activity Information section of the Activity page. |
FTE Psychologists | The total amount of FTE psychologists with the CRDC POSITION field value PSYCH in the Activity Information section of the Activity page. |
FTE Social Workers | The total amount of FTE social workers with the CRDC POSITION field value SOCWK in the Activity Information section of the Activity page. |
Expenditure tab
The Expenditure tab is displayed only for CRDC Reporting School Year 2018.
The following table describes the fields on the Expenditure tab.
Field | Description |
FTE Teachers State/Local Funding Only | The total amount of teachers with state or local funding only. The limit is up to six digits, with four digits before the decimal and up to two digits following the decimal. The value will round if a third digit is entered after the decimal. |
Salary Teachers State/Local Funding Only | The salary for teachers, including state or local funding only. The limit is up to 12 digits, with ten digits before the decimal and up to two digits following the decimal. The value will round if a third digit is entered after the decimal. |
FTE Aides State/Local Funding Only | The total amount of FTE aides, including state or local funding only. The limit is up to six digits, with four digits before the decimal and up to two digits following the decimal. The value will round if a third digit is entered after the decimal. |
Salary Aides State/Local Funding Only | The salary for aides with state or local funding only. The limit is up to 12 digits, with ten digits before the decimal and up to two digits following the decimal. The value will round if a third digit is entered after the decimal. |
FTE Support Staff State/Local Funding | The total amount of FTE support staff with state or local funding only. The limit is up to six digits, with four digits before the decimal and up to two digits following the decimal. The value will round if a third digit is entered after the decimal. |
Salary Support Staff State/Local Funding | The salary for support staff with state or local funding only. The limit is up to 12 digits, with ten digits before the decimal and up to two digits following the decimal. The value will round if a third digit is entered after the decimal. |
FTE Administrators State/Local Funding Only | The total amount of FTE administrators with state or local funding only. The limit is up to six digits, with four digits before the decimal and up to two digits following the decimal. The value will round if a third digit is entered after the decimal. |
Salary Administrators State/Local Funding Only | The salary for administrators with state or local funding only. The limit is up to 12 digits, with ten digits before the decimal and up to two digits following the decimal. The value will round if a third digit is entered after the decimal. |
Salary Total State/Local Funding Only | The salary totals, including state or local funding only. The limit is up to 12 digits, with ten digits before the decimal and up to two digits following the decimal. The value will round if a third digit is entered after the decimal. |
Non-Personnel Expenditures State/Local Funding Only | The non-personnel expenditures with state or local funding only. The limit is up to 12 digits, with ten digits before the decimal and up to two digits following the decimal. The value will round if a third digit is entered after the decimal. |
Salary Teachers All Sources Including Federal | The salary for teachers from all sources, including federal. The limit is up to 12 digits, with ten digits before the decimal and up to two digits following the decimal. The value will round if a third digit is entered after the decimal. |
FTE Aides All Sources Including Federal | The total amount of FTE aides from all funding sources, including federal. The limit is up to six digits, with four digits before the decimal and up to two digits following the decimal. The value will round if a third digit is entered after the decimal. |
Salary Aides All Sources | The salary for aides from all funding sources, including federal. The limit is up to 12 digits, with ten digits before the decimal and up to two digits following the decimal. The value will round if a third digit is entered after the decimal. |
FTE Support Staff All Sources | The total amount of FTE support staff from all sources, including federal. The limit is up to six digits, with four digits before the decimal and up to two digits following the decimal. The value will round if a third digit is entered after the decimal. |
Salary Support Staff All Sources | The salary for support staff from all funding sources, including federal. The limit is up to 12 digits, with ten digits before the decimal and up to two digits following the decimal. The value will round if a third digit is entered after the decimal. |
FTE Administrators All Sources | The total amount of FTE administrators from all sources, including federal. The limit is up to six digits, with four digits before the decimal and up to two digits following the decimal. The value will round if a third digit is entered after the decimal. |
Salary Administrators All Sources | The salary for administrators from all funding sources, including federal. The limit is up to 12 digits, with ten digits before the decimal and up to two digits following the decimal. The value will round if a third digit is entered after the decimal. |
Salary Total All Sources | The salary totals from all sources, including federal. The limit is up to 12 digits, with ten digits before the decimal and up to two digits following the decimal. The value will round if a third digit is entered after the decimal. |
Non-Personnel Expenditures All Sources | The non-personnel expenditures from all funding sources, including federal. The limit is up to 12 digits, with ten digits before the decimal and up to two digits following the decimal. The value will round if a third digit is entered after the decimal. |
Teacher Totals tab
The Teacher Totals tab is displayed only for CRDC Reporting School Years 2018, 2022, and 2024.
The fields displayed depend on the CRDC Reporting School Year field value.
The Load process captures employees with the CRDC POSITION field value TEACH in the Activity Information section of the Activity page.
The following table describes the fields on the Teacher Totals tab.
Field | Description | CRDC Reporting School Years |
Teachers Employed Both Current and Previous Year | The total amount of teachers employed in the building for the current and previous years. Available for 2018 and 2022 and later reporting periods. The limit is ten digits. |
Current Year Teacher Totals | The total amount of teachers currently employed. Available for 2018 and 2022 and later reporting periods. The limit is ten digits. In 2022 and later, this field is automatically populated by the sum of the entries in the Current Year Teachers by Gender/Ethnicity/Race section. It cannot be edited. |
Current Year Teachers by Gender/Ethnicity/Race | The total amount of teachers that match the criteria. Available for 2022 and later reporting periods. When loaded from employee records:
The limit is ten digits. |
Create file
Use the Civil Rights Data Collection - Employee Detail Report page to create a report listing employees that make up the totals for each position code in the selected location.
You can create the Employee Detail report only in Excel format.
On the Maintain Location Information page, select Employee Detail Report.
Select the CRDC Reporting School Year.
If required, enter an Employee Number. Select the lookup icon to search for and select an employee number. Separate multiple employee numbers with the pipe symbol. For example, 1234|2597. Leave blank to include all employees based on the other criteria.
If required, select one or more Position Codes. Leave blank to include all position codes based on the other criteria.
If required, enter or select a Location. Select the lookup icon to search for and select a location. Leave blank to include all locations based on the other criteria.
Select Accept.
In the Print dialog, select OK.
The default name is crdc_employeerpt<xxxx>_<xxxxx>.xlsx.