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Payroll Tab

This tab stores basic payroll information including the employee's paycheck location, pay frequency code, Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) data, and special pay codes.

Menu Path

From the Human Resources menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Employee menu, select Employee Information. Search for and select an employee, click Accept to display the Employee Information detail page, and select the Payroll tab.

Additional Employee Payroll Pages

Following are additional pages that store payroll information for an employee. These pages can be accessed from the Payroll Information group on the Employee Information page's Action Bar or by using action items within other pages.

Additional Rates Page

Enables you to add rates to an employee's primary pay rate for additional duties that are performed on a regular basis and that do not require secondary rates.

Docking Rate Page

Enables you to calculate the amount to deducted from an employee's pay when a Leave Without Pay (LWOP) leave code is entered on the employee's timecard.

Employee Deductions Page

Enables you to add, change, or delete deductions, benefits, and deduction- benefit combinations.

Employee Group Life Over 50K Page

Enables you to set the parameters used in calculating the additional earnings reported on W2 forms and state tax returns for employer-paid premiums on group life insurance coverage amounts in excess of $50,000.

Enables you to set up an employee's exemption status and tax tables for federal, state, and local taxes.

Pay Rate Information Pages

Enable you to view, add, and change employee pay rates, including primary, secondary, and additional duty rates.

Payrate Distribution Page

Enables you to review the accounting distributions for a selected pay rate.

State/Retirement Page

Enables you to view and maintain information that is used in reporting state retirement programs for public employees.

Time Entry Employee Information Page

Enables you to access the following Time Entry information: employee's encrypted password, Time Entry department, and supervisor setting.

For additional payroll-related pages, refer to Payroll Information Pages.




Check Location

Code identifying the location where the employee receives pay checks or direct deposit vouchers. These codes are defined in the Location Table.

Timecard Required

Determines whether the employee needs a manual timecard when you load timecards for a pay run.


  • Y - TimeCard Required (default) - If a timecard is required, you must enter the employee's hours when setting up a pay run.

  • N - TimeCard Not Required - If you want to load default pay hours from employee pay rates in a pay run, use this setting. This applies to salaried employees and others who work the same number of hours.

  • T - TimeEntry Time Card - If the employee uses the Time Entry option to enter attendance, select this setting.

  • W - Employee Timesheets - If the employee uses Employee Timesheets (ETS), select this setting.

Special Pays

Three fields for entering pay codes that have a special amount pay type. The field's drop-down list includes all pay codes from the Pay Code Table, so you must know which ones have this pay type.

For special pay to be issued, the following conditions must be met:

  • The Special Pay field must include a pay code containing a special amount pay type and a special pay frequency code.

  • The Amount field must include how much the employee is to receive.

  • When you set up a pay run, you must identify the pay code that contains the special pay frequency code you want to apply.

For more information on special pays, refer to Special Pays Section.


Dollar amount the employee receives as special pay in an individual pay run.

  • If the special pay is issued only once a year, enter the full amount.

  • If the special pay has an annual amount and the employee receives it in four payments over the course of the year, enter one-fourth of the total.

  • If the employee should receive the pay whenever the related duties are performed, enter the amount that should be paid per pay run.

Last Paid

Generated from the default end date set up in the employee’s pay run.

The last paid date helps determine whether to increment certain leave banks based on the length of the employee's service. During pay runs, the system checks whether the last paid date was before the employee's anniversary date and then determines whether the pay period ending date is equal to or greater than the anniversary. If both conditions are met, the system adds time to leave codes in the Leave Bank tab that award leave based on longevity.

Pay Frequency

Code specifying how often the employee receives pay. Pay frequencies also identify tax tables in combination with the Status and Current fields in the Employee Tax Setup Information page.


  • A - Annual

  • B - Bi-weekly

  • M - Monthly

  • S - Semi monthly

  • W - Weekly

  • X - X User-defined

  • Y - Y User-defined

  • Z - Z User-defined

The codes X, Y, and Z can be used to represent pay frequencies that are not addressed by the other selections. If you assign one of these, the employee will be paid whenever you use the code in setting up a pay run.

FLSA Cycles Or Year

Total number of Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) cycles in the year. This value is used with the cycle hours in calculating FLSA overtime. If FLSA overtime does not apply to the rate, leave the field at its zero default.
Examples: For an employee whose FLSA Cycle is weekly, enter 52; if the cycle is bi-weekly, enter 26.

FLSA Cycle Hours

Regular number of hours worked in an FLSA cycle. If FLSA overtime does not apply, leave the field at its zero default.

Example: If the employee's FLSA Cycle is biweekly and there are 8 hours in a workday, enter 80.00 (10 days x 8 hours).

Carry Over Hours

Hours carried over from the previous cycle when the FLSA Cycle covers more than one pay period. If you indicate you want to carry over the last cycle to the next pay run while setting up a payroll, the system stores the carryover hours in this field. Leave the field at its zero default to allow the system to maintain these hours.

Carry Over Amount

Amount of eligible pay to be carried over to the next pay cycle when the FLSA cycle covers more than one pay period. The system stores the carryover amount in this field. As a result, you should leave the field at its zero default.

FLSA Cycle Code

Code to determine the type of Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Cycle.

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