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Employee Benefits System Menus

This section summarizes the options available on the Benefits menu, which includes three menus: Entry & Processing, Reports, and Reference Tables.

Menu Path:  Benefits

Entry & Processing Menu

This menu includes two sections: Benefits and COBRA ICobra Information tablenformation.




Benefit Record Updates

Displays the Benefit Record Updates Administration page, which accesses a utility program for creating and updating benefit records based upon employee payroll deduction records.

For details, refer to Benefit Record Updates Administration Page.

Employee/Benefit Information

Displays the Employee/Benefit Information page, where you can list, add, update, and delete employee records. From here, you can access pages for assigning benefits to employees and their dependents. Pages are also provided for entering beneficiary information and assigning records for insurance coverage obtained outside your organization.

For details, refer to Employee/Benefit Information Pages.

COBRA Information



New Bills Processing

Generate billing records for either a selected employee, all employees under a group of COBRA benefits, or all employees/benefits in your database.

For details, refer to New Bills Processing Page.

Payment History Maintenance

Displays the Payment History page where you can look up information on COBRA payment records.

For details, refer to Payment History Page.

Post Payments

Enter payments for COBRA billings. You can identify a billing record by entering the employee ID, benefit code, and Social Security number of the employee or dependent affected.

For details, refer to Post Payments Page.

Update COBRA Information

Displays the COBRA Information page, which enables you to add, update, and delete COBRA benefit records.

For details, refer to COBRA Information Page.

Reports Menu

This menu includes options for generating reports on your Benefits and COBRA records.



Benefit Birthday Report

Generates a report for determining the eligibility of employees and dependents for insurance and other benefits based on their ages.

For details, refer to Benefit Birthday Report.

COBRA Activity Report

Generates a report on payment activity records, providing an audit trail of changes made in the Payment History page.

For details, refer to COBRA Activity Report.

COBRA Status Report

Generates a report on the billing status of individual COBRA benefits. The COBRA Status Listing provides payment dates, amounts paid, amounts due, total billings, and total payments. You can focus the report on current amounts, delinquent amounts, or both.

For details, refer to COBRA Status Report.

Employee Insurance Form

Generates a report listing benefit information for employees. You can select the records by department, benefits, and employee number.

For details, refer to Employee Insurance Form.

End of Eligibility Listing

Generate a report listing employees and dependents whose COBRA eligibility expires on or before a specified date. The report includes the total amounts billed, paid, and outstanding for each employee/dependent benefit listed.

For details refer to End of Eligibility Listing.

Insurance Census

Generates a report on the employee and dependent information stored in the Employee Benefits System. You can select records by department, benefit, and employee.

For details, refer to Insurance Census.

Payment History Report

Generate a report of payment records created with the Post Payments option. The report includes employee ID numbers, benefit codes, and dependent Social Security numbers. It also lists the dates and amounts of the payments processed for each benefit, as well as totals.

For details, refer to Payment History Report.

Reference Tables Menu

This menu enables you to access tables for creating and updating records used in employee and dependent records.



Benefit Codes

Enables you to set up records identifying the benefits that can be assigned to employees and their dependents in the Employee Benefits System.

For details, refer to Benefit Codes Table.

Notification Types Table

Enables you to set up records clarifying the types of notifications sent to employees regarding changes in their benefits coverage.

For details, refer to Notification Types Table.

Qualifying Events Table

Enables you to set up records identifying events that result in a change in an employee's or dependent's COBRA benefit status, such as marriage, birth of a child, or retirement.

For details, refer to Qualifying Events Table.

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