Synchronization makes it easier for applicants to manage their responses to the same questions across multiple applications. As result, applicants do not have to update their individual applications.
For Human Resources staff members, synchronization ensures that applications for open job postings have the most current, accurate information. It also streamlines the verification process by automatically verifying responses to the same questions on other applications.
Synchronization relies on two fields on the Add New Question and Edit Question pages, which are used in setting up questions for applications:
Synchronize Question Responses enables applicants to update previous applications by rolling back responses from new applications for job postings that are still open. This section outlines the synchronization rules put into effect when a question's Synchronize Question Responses checkbox is selected.
Roll Question Answers enables responses from previous applications to roll to new applications.
For details on setting up questions, refer to Standard Questions Section and Question Bank Questions Section. These topics include procedures and field descriptions for the Add New Question and Edit Question pages.
In order to effectively use Synchronization, once you have defined questions, associated them with a position type, and submitted a job posting for that position type, any changes that are made to the question after an applicant has already applied for that job posting will prevent the response from the previous application from rolling to a new application. Also, responses from the new application will not synchronize back to the previous application. Verifications for that response will need to be done individually.
Synchronization Rules for Applicant Responses
The following conditions must be met when determining which applications are eligible to have responses synchronized with the current application being updated.
The job postings for the prior applications must be open, meaning the closing date must be less than or equal to the current date.
If you are using the following fields in Hiring Manager View Setup page, the job posting is considered open until the current date is after the posting closing date, plus the number of days:Require Posting to Close Before Enabling Drill Down to Applicants (checkbox)
Number of Days After Posting Closes Before Enabling Drill Down to Applicants
For example, if the current date is 07/08/2014 and 5 was entered as the number of day, then the job posting is still considered open for synchronization.
For additional details, refer to Hiring Manager View Setup.The application status must be Pending or Submitted. Submitted applications can only be updated by an applicant if the Allow Applicants to Update Submitted Application While Posting Is Open checkbox is selected on the Online Presentation & Options page.
For additional details, refer to Online Presentation & Options.
Synchronization Rules for Human Resources Verifications
The following conditions must be met when determining when verification results can be synchronized.
The job postings for the prior applications must be open, meaning the closing date must be less than or equal to the current date.
If you are using the following fields on the Hiring Manager View Setup page, Require Posting to Close Before Enabling Drill Down to Applicants and Number of Days After Posting Closes Before Enabling Drill Down to Applicants on the Hiring Manager View Setup page, the job posting is considered open until the current date is after the posting closing date, plus the number of days. For example, if the current date is 07/08/2018, and 5 was entered in the Number of Days After Posting Closes Before Enabling Drill Down to Applicants field, then the job posting is still considered open for synchronization.
The responses to District-defined questions are the same.
The responses to the question with the response type of Certificates have the same Type, Area, and Number.
The responses to the question with the response type of Education have the same Degree/Diploma, School/Institution, Major, and Minor.
The responses to the question with the response type of Experience have the same Experience Type.
The responses to the question with the response type of License have the same Type, License Number, and Issue Date.
The responses to the question with the response type of References have the same First Name, Last Name, and Email.
The responses to the question with the response type of Skills have the same Skill.
The responses to the question with the response type of Work History have the same Employer, From Date, and To Date.
How Synchronization Works from the Recruitment Portal and the Applicant Detail Page
Following is an example of the process that occurs with synchronization and verifications for the applicant on the Recruitment Portal if your organization chooses to synchronize question responses and roll question answers. The same will occur from the Applicant Details page.
For additional details, refer to the Recruitment Portal and Applicant Detail Page.
For changes to the responses on applications, we recommend using the icon in the Applicant Overview page's Impersonate column to access the Portal as the applicant. Human Resources staff members should not use the Applicant Details page for changing applicants' responses.
The applicant chooses to apply for a new job posting.
If this is not the applicant's first application for your organization, depending on your Roll Question Answers setting, responses from the previous application may roll forward to the new application. These responses are copied from the previous application and include both the response and any verifications that may have taken place.
If the applicant makes a change to a response:
When Save is selected, responses on eligible applications with a status of Pending will be synchronized.
When Submit or Resubmit is selected, responses on eligible applications with a status of Pending or Submitted will be synchronized.
When Submit or Resubmit is selected, the verification for the response that rolled from a prior application will be cleared on the application being submitted and also on any eligible applications with a status of Pending or Submitted.
If an applicant is making a change to a document uploaded to a response, whether it be adding a new document or deleting the existing one, those changes take place immediately. However, to clear the verifications, the applicant must click Save, Submit, or Resubmit.
When Submit or Resubmit is selected, if the changed response does not meet the minimum requirement, any eligible applications with a status of Submitted will be changed to Not Qualified. Eligible applications with a status of Pending will remain in Pending status until the applicant submits the application. Once the application is submitted, if the response still does not meet the minimum requirement, the status will be set to Not Qualified instead of Submitted.
If the applicant has not made a change to the response and the response was rejected during the verification process for a previous application, when Submit or Resubmit is selected, the application status will be set to Rejected for Hire instead of Submitted.
How Synchronization Works from the Verification Overview Page
Following is an example of the process that occurs with synchronization and verifications for the applicant's responses during the verification process if your organization chooses to synchronize question responses and roll question answers.
For additional details, refer to Verification Overview Page.
When Approve is selected for the response during the verification process, verification for that response on eligible applications with a status of Pending or Submitted will be synchronized.
When Reject is selected for the response during the verification process, any eligible applications with a status of Submitted will be changed to Rejected for Hire. Eligible applications with a status of Pending will remain in Pending status until the applicant submits the application. Once the application is submitted, the application status will be set to Rejected for Hire.
When Advanced then Verified is selected for the response during the verification process, verification for that response on eligible applications with a status of Pending or Submitted will be synchronized.
When Advanced then Reject Application is selected for the response during the verification process, any eligible applications with a status of Submitted will be changed to Rejected for Hire. Eligible applications with a status of Pending will remain in Pending status until the applicant submits the application. Once the application is submitted, the application status will be set to Rejected for Hire.
When Advanced then Reject Applicant is selected for the response during the verification process, the applicant's status is set to Do Not Hire. This selection does not affect pending or future applications. The applicant can still apply for job postings.