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Employee Access Center Administrator Options

Use the Employee Access Center (EAC) Administration menu to configure the system's pages in accordance with your organization's policies and procedures.

19.4 and earlier; 20.11: dependent on the version of Employee Access Center (EAC).

Select an option from the Administration menu to open the page for editing.

20.11 and later, dependent on the version of Employee Access Center (EAC).

Click Administration. A new browser tab will display the Administration menu. Select an option to display the page for editing.


Determine what information can be displayed for and edited by employees. Refer to Profile for details.


Create custom messages to provide direction and information to users for the selected page. Refer to Disclaimers for details.

User Maintenance

Adjust details for an individual user. Refer to User Maintenance for details.

Tax Filing TypesCreate, maintain, or delete tax filing codes that will be displayed to employees. Refer to Tax Filing Types for details.
Deduction Frequencies

Create, maintain, or delete deduction frequencies used in Annual Benefit Enrollment. Refer to Deduction Frequencies for details.

Benefits Enrollment Setup

Set up benefit types and sub-types used in the Annual Benefits Enrollment process. Refer to Benefits Enrollment Setup for details.

Extended Deduction Info

Set up supplemental information displayed on deductions used in Annual Benefit Enrollment and New Hire Enrollment, and on the Deductions and Benefits page. Refer to Extended Deduction Information for details.

Enrollment Questions

Customize sets of questions for the benefit types used in Annual Benefit Enrollment and New Hire Enrollment. Refer to Enrollment Questions for details.

Support Center

Displays a page that provides database changes and revisions made to EAC with an option to install them. Refer to Support Center for details.

Annual Enrollment Post

Post records from the Annual Benefit Enrollment process to Effective Date Changes in PowerSchool ERP. Refer to Annual Enrollment Post for details.

Create Custom Links

Create a list of links to display in the menu for efficient access to employees. Refer to Create Custom Links for details.

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