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Setup Processes

Before using the Fund Accounting System, verify your Fund Accounting Profile is set up. You also need to enter the necessary records in the tables used in data entry and table verification. This section outlines the steps in these processes.

  1. Verify that the Fund Accounting Profile page contains the correct information. The Profile record is usually completed during system installation.
  2. Use the following options on the Fund Accounting Reference Tables menu to set up the system's verification tables:
    • 1099 Types - Maintain codes for the categories of income paid to vendors and reported to the Internal Revenue Service.
    • Account Approvals - If you use accounts payable, budget adjustments or budget transfer approvals, set up parameters for applying account-based approval. This table lets you define ranges of account codes that will automatically require approval when used in a payable distribution, budget adjustment or budget transfer.
    • Account List - Establish the objects to be used in the General Ledger, Revenue Ledger, and Expenditure Ledger.
    • Alternate Vendor Address - Set up alternate purchasing and accounts payable addresses for vendors to supplement the addresses in your Vendor List.
    • Approvals - If you use accounts payable, budget adjustments or budget transfer approvals, set up parameters for determining when a payable item, adjustment, or transfer requires approval based on User ID and dollar amount.
    • Bank Account Information - Associate your General Ledger cash accounts with bank account codes for use with the Bank Transmission File and Bank Account Reconciliation options.
    • Bank Transmission File Format - Define formats for files transmitted to your bank containing payroll and AP check information.
    • Batch Vendors - Create vendor records in a batch file, generate an edit list, then post the records to the Vendor List.
    • Check Reconciliation File Format - Define formats the system will use to read data files sent by your bank for check reconciliation.
    • EFT Bank Codes - Define bank routing information for vendors you pay through EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) transactions.
    • EFT Destination Table - Set up parameters for how the system will generate the ACH file for EFT payments, based on your bank's format requirements.
    • Organization Chart - Define your reporting structure, as well as fund and budget settings.
    • Payer List - Set up records for tracking the sources of your revenues.
    • Project List - If you use project accounting, set up a project coding system.
    • User-Defined Codes - Set up codes for the table-verified fields in user-defined pages.
    • Vendor List - Set up records on your vendors, including their names, addresses, tax EIN numbers, website, and 1099 designations. You can also include information on sales and use taxes, discounts, and EFT settings.
  3. Use the Balance Sheet option to set up your balance sheet accounts. This option links asset, liability, fund equity, and control accounts to the appropriate funds in your organization chart.
  4. Use the options on the Budget Ledgers menu to set up budgets.
    • Batch Budget Adjustments - Enter budget adjustments in batch files through manual entry or import from an external file. After reviewing an edit list and making corrections, you can post the adjustments to your database.
    • Batch Budget Transfer - Enter budget transfers in batch files through manual entry or import from an external file. After generating an edit list and making corrections, you can post the transfers to your database.
    • Expenditure Ledger - Enter your expenditure budget or post it from the Budget Preparation System. You can then adjust the budget, post budget transfers, and delete expenditure accounts and expenditure control accounts. You should also inactivate expenditure accounts you will not be using. 
    • Project Ledger - If applicable, enter your project budget or post it from the Budget Preparation System. You can then adjust the budget, post budget transfers, and delete project accounts.
    • Revenue Ledger - Enter your revenue budget or post it from Budget Preparation. You can then adjust the budget, post transfers, and delete revenue accounts.
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